Chapter 17: Khaos With a K

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Somebody's pissy. Aphrodite had thrown a chair in anger.

"Why? Why wasn't he entranced!? Is it me? It can't be me, I'm irresistible!" Aphrodite paced around her living room. "It must be him! He must be incapable of love!"

Aphrodite dwelled on that thought, a grim feeling welled up inside of her.

"He's incapable of LOVE!? Nonono that won't do! No wonder he had no desire for me, he has no sexual urges! Poor guy..."

She isn't serious is she? Boss, why is she stupid?

Most Gods are in this world.

"That's it!" Aphrodite slammed her fist into her palm. "If I can restore his sexual desires, then he will become taken with me, AND WORLD DOMINATION WILL BE MINE!"

Since when was that her pl- know what, I don't want to know.

//The Crew's Hideout//

"Why can't we come home today?"

"Because! My parents are coming down for that open house bullshit. Mom'll pester me all day about you two if you're here."

"Why does the snake get to stay then?"

"Because, I already know them."

During breakfast, Y/N had given the crew the news. His parents were coming.

"You do know that telling us this does nothing right? I'm not passing up the opportunity to listen to your mom bug you."

"This is a warning."


"It's...complicated. Anyway! We should get going."

Y/N walked up to his front door.



The crew looked down and saw Aphrodite clutching her forehead.

"Oi! The hell you doing infront of my door!? Don't you know people I don't know have to stay a minimum distance of 100 meters away from my house at all times!?"

"What!? How could you forget me!? We met yesterday!"

"Don't care." Y/N grabbed the collar of her uniform. "Begone T H O T !"

Aphrodite was launched towards the school.


Saji sighed while lying down and looking up at the sky.

"Are you comfortable, Saji?"

"Yeah, your lap is so soft Sona."

The two stared into eachothers eyes. It was a wonderfully romantic scene.


Overhead, something flew past them, ruining the moment.

"What was that thing!?"

"I don't know. But Y/N was likely the cause." Sona looked down before standing up. "We have much work to do today."

Saji looked down in sadness. "Damn. That was a nice moment too. Add it to the tally of Y/N fucking me over."


"Alright! Enough feeling sorry for yourself! If President wants today to be perfect, then it will be perfect!" With strengthened resolve, Saji Genshirou sets out to deliver justice on the perverts of Kuoh Academy.

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