Chapter 30: Azazel Fails To Mind His Fucking Business

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If you had asked Azazel what he thought of the ORC, he'd shrug his shoulders before going about his day. Atleast, that's what he'd do for most of them.

"Look, all I'm saying is a gun is more effective than magic!"

"Y/N, I'm not letting you give the rest of the club members firearms!"

"Pshaw! This is why none of them ever take your side! You just hate fun!"


Y/N was a person Azazel found very, very interesting. His childish nature combined with his unique world view and ethics was something Azazel really wanted to get into the nitty-gritty details of. Unfortunately for Azazel, ever since he became the ORC's advisor, he's never really had the chance to properly sit down and pick Y/N's brain over morality.

Well, there was that one chance he got, but Y/N purposefully acted as if Azazel wasn't there. Actually, now that he thought about it, Y/N's been doing that ever since they got back from the Underworld.

Azazel thought to himself for a moment. Did he do anything that upset Y/N? Nothing that he can remember while in the Underworld and the two had been on friendly terms before they left in the first place.

"Tch, whatever man." Y/N clicked his teeth before turning on his heel. "I'm heading home, see you around."

Azazel watched the boy leave before shrugging his shoulders. "Guess there's no better way to find out than straight from the horse's mouth." He turned to look at Rias. "Well, I'm gonna take off too. Don't wreck the place!"

"Why are you acting like you're a parent leaving us for the weekend?" Rias stared with a confused expression. "Hell, this place isn't even yours."

"Eh, Potayto potahto."

"Who the fuck says Potahto?" Koneko rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm not the best at speaking but even I know that's fucked." Hideki added.

"All due respect Lord Azazel, but perhaps you should brush up on your Japanese." Rossweisse chimed in with brutal honesty.

"Tch. Why are you all ganging up on me? Is it because I'm old? This is elder abuse!" Azazel pretended tonbe offended.

"Absolutely. Go home Grandpa."

"Tch, lousy brats." Azazel remarked before teleporting, actually offended by Koneko's reply.

//Kuoh Shopping District//

Azazel appeared right next to Y/N. Y/N glanced next to him and rose an eyebrow before rolling his eyes and going about his day.

"Ah, so we're still doing this huh?" Azazel chuckled before following Y/N. "Alright then." And like that, Azazel disappeared once more.

Roling his eyes, Y/N checked google maps on his phone to help decide how to kill time. "Hmm? Oh hey, they opened a bowling alley. I know what I'm doing today!"

"What a coincidence, I was gonna go bowling too, y-yo." Azazel tried and failed to hide his voice.

Y/N rolled his eyes and glanced back over. "Tch...gotta hand it to the old bastard, he's really committed to the bit."

Azazel had gone out of his way to change out of usual suit, and into a pair of cargo shorts and timbs. He wore a basic black t-shirt, but he was decked out in gaudy jewelry, ranging from oversized rings to a massive chain necklace. The cherry on top of everything? He wore THE drip jacket.

"Ugh. I know he's just baiting me, but I refuse to let him beat me in sheer commitment to the bit." Sighing, Y/N turned towards Not Azazel. "Oh yeah? Wanna go a few frames then Stranger I've Never Met?"

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