Spoke Too Soon 🍂

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Type: Angst, hurt/comfort

Warnings: Heavy mentions of death and violence


"I hope you crumble somewhere alone, seriously." Espresso put his hands on the sides of his head, where his ears would be if he weren't a cookie. "You're loud. You annoy me so much, Madeleine."

Now, Madeleine was used to Espresso's harsh words, but this felt a little... much. The expression on Madeleine's face, the way his hands shook, the way he had to glance to the side for a moment—he seemed genuinely hurt.

"Oh- er-" Madeleine quickly regained his composure as he doesn't wish for a high knight such as himself to appear weak in front of another. "I shall never crumble, my dear Espresso! The Divine will always protect me!"

"Whatever," muttered Espresso, who'd already begun his walk home halfway through his word.

Which left Madeleine standing, all alone. He buried his head in his hands and let out a choked sob.

It wasn't until later that night that Espresso's words were granted truth.

Espresso was standing in an infinite room of white. The floor was filled with water that reached just up to Espresso's ankle, getting his socks and shoes wet. Gross. 

"What a pain this is..." uttered Espresso, though even the quiet of his words seemed to echo in this empty void. "I must hurry on home..."

So he walked. He didn't know where; he didn't know why. He had plans to fulfill. He had work to be done. Spells to cast and coffee to drink. He hadn't even noticed the water which he trotted upon beginning to gradually turn crimson until his feet hit something solid.

And when Espresso looked down, he felt his heart stop. "Madeleine...?"

It was Madeleine alright. The man was lying face-up in the waters with his eyes closed and long locks of hair floating around the sides of his head. Espresso suddenly gagged, hunching over after noticing a sword had lacerated the commander's chest and that there was dried strawberry jam circling that open wound.

"MADELEINE!?" Espresso yelled, falling to his knees, trying to shake the cookie awake. "MADELEINE?! MADELEINE!?" 

Still no response. Espresso was getting desperate, guilt flooding his body. He was crying, shaking. He felt like throwing up over the cadaver of his dear friend. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't accept it.

His frenemy- no- crush- couldn't be dead. He simply couldn't. Madeleine was one of the only cookies Espresso felt safe with. One of the only cookies who cared oh so much about him. Madeleine couldn't be gone. He couldn't be gone until he's kissed him. Not until he's whispered his 'I love you's,' or until he could utter his last goodbye's. 

It was all his fault. Why did he say that? Why the hell did he say that?

Espresso pressed his palm to Madeleine's cheek, caressing the other's face gently. Madeleine's expression was so calm and relaxed, as though the knight had not a care in the world. Espresso leaned down, planting a kiss on the commander's forehead, allowing his messy tears to fall all over Madeleine's face. He wanted Madeleine back.

Espresso was then engulfed in darkness. The white void was gone. He could no longer feel Madeleine's face in his hand. He felt sticky, pajamas clinging to his sweaty skin. He still felt sick to his stomach, vomit still threatening to invade his throat any moment now.

He pushed himself off his bed. He knew sleeping was a bad idea. He shouldn't have ever gone to bed in the first place.

Was Madeleine okay?

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