Chapter 1

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Apples POV


With my eyes closed, I reached around for the alarm clock. Slamming the off button, I climbed out of bed and slid my feet into my comfy white and gold slippers. Rubbing my eyes to get all of the sandman sand out, I trudged towards the bathroom. Despite my daytime appearance, I do not wake up like this. Raven was still snoring in her bed. I didn't need to wake up so early. I got up an hour earlier than most students at Ever After High, as did pretty much all of the princesses. Our perfect looks do not come easily.

Now, I'm not a stuck up brat, believe me. I only primp to perfection every morning because it's just what princesses do! The Whites are especially known for their beauty. Plus, can spoiled sissies deal with the LARGE amounts of stress that I have on my back? I think not. It's hard to be destined to rule a kingdom with so much legacy and history. I'm expected to rule it as perfectly as my mother, grandmother, great grandmother and so on did.

As I applied a layer of foundation, I heard Raven wake up.

"Good morning Apple," she grumbled.

"Hello Raven! Rub the sand out of your eyes; we have Princessology in an hour!" I said cheerful, in a sing song voice. Raven sat up groggily.

Raven went into the bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face. By then I was just putting the finishing touches on my eyeshadow. When you put makeup on every morning since the age of 12, you get pretty fast at it. Raven stared at me.

"How do you get dressed so fast?! I mean, you already have a perfect outfit on and all your makeup?!"

"I've had lots of practice," I said while pulling out a curling iron. Raven left the bathroom, no doubt to go find some clothes. Within 10 minutes I had my hair meticulously curled and was sliding a headband in my hair. Raven appeared in the bathroom in a black shirt, purple layered skirt and silver collar. She brushed out her hair, brushed on some purple eyeshadow and slid in a silver crown.

"You forgot your lipstick!" I said, smiling. Raven looked in the mirror, blushed and painted on some dark purple lipstick. We gathered up our books and walked down to breakfast. I found Daring in the hallway. I turned around to tell Raven to go on without me, but she was already off with Maddie and Jamie. Well, we aren't exactly the greatest of friends, and why should we be? She's the villain, for fairies sake. We can't be besties! I walked up to Daring.

"Hi honey! You ready for our date tonight?!" I smiled brightly. Daring turned to look at me, like he was startled.

"Oh....h-hey Apple. Look, I'm so sorry, but something..uh..came up and I'm too busy tonight. Can we do Saturday instead?" I really wasn't surprised. Daring was often busy, which made sense. He was the most heroic prince in this school. Sure there was Dexter, but he really wasn't of the same stuff as Daring. As long as Daring rescheduled our dates, I didn't mind.

"Sure! That totally works! Love you!" I said cheerfully as I ran off to breakfast.

Ravens POV

As soon as Apple ran off after Daring, Maddie came tumbling through the wall.

"Hello Raven!!! Did you see the frabjous way I entered the hallway?! I didn't know I could even do that!!!"

"Wow, Maddie. It's amazing that you can do the imp-"

"Don't say it's impossible!!! Because then I won't be able to do it!!!" Her stern face turned to big puppy eyes. I chuckled.

"Okay Maddie, I won't. C'mon, I heard Ginger is making hot cross buns for breakfast!!!" Jamie Hook joined us.

"Really, hot cross buns?! My favorite!! We better hurry, you all know how fast Ginger's pastries go!!" We practically sprinted off to the castleteria. I guess I wasn't paying attention, because I ran right into Dexter Charming. Our books went flying, as did his glasses. I lunged to catch them.

"Here you go...sorry," I said sheepishly. I really should have been watching where I was going.

"Oh...uh...its..o-okay..uh..Raven," Dexter stuttered. I handed him his glasses and he handed me my books.

"Oh, you didn't have to pick them, let me help you with yours." We reached around for his books and papers.

"Well, I'm a Charming and I have all this damsel in distress stuff that I'm supposed to live up"

"Isn't that more of Daring's thing?" I said smiling.

"Uh...well, I guess..." He stood up and offered his hand. I grabbed it and Dexter helped me up.

"Thanks! Hey, did you know that Ginger made hot cross buns for breakfast?! Let's go get one before they're all gone!" Dexter smiled and we both fast walked towards the castleteria.

I had never really payed attention to Dexter. He seemed to be the shadow of Daring, always seemingly second best. Not that I thought that; I honestly hate Daring. He's such a narcissist, always looking in his mirrors and primping his hair. I thought that's what girls do! I can't see what Apple finds so attractive in him. Of course, maybe she could be one of those bimbos who falls for him just because he's a Charming. To be fair, Apple is destined to be with him, even though we can all pick our destinies now. But Dexter is completely different. He isn't so stuck up, he's more concerned about living up to his brother's legacy. He has a little more brains than brawn, I guess you could say.

We arrived at the castleteria. Ginger was leaving the kitchen, with Helga and Gus Crumb at her heels.

"Ve vant more sveets!!!" They were crying.

"Okay, okay! Calm down! I have to bake more, so maybe there will be something for lunch!" She propped the door open with her baking pans in her arms.

"Oh hex! We missed them! I guess we should just go get something! Bye!" I walked off, my black heels clicking. I turned around to see Dexter staring at me. Once he noticed I was looking, he blushed and walked away. I didn't think anything of it and grabbed some breakfast.
Hi!!! Bleuszebra here!! So...yeah..I pretty much wrote this chapter. im-isabelle is kinda busy so..Ya. Do you like this book?! We're just getting started. So I at least wanna do a question at the end of each chapter, so here it goes....
Q: Are there any ships you wanna see happen?
We already have some ships in mind, and they are pretty much all the ships that actually happen in the videos/books. But if you have a made up ship that you love with all your ❤️, let us know! Personally, I love Poppy and Dexter or Holly and Dexter...he just seems so perfect for them. and comment and stay FABSOMETASTICAL!!!!

im-isabelle here :) As you know I was busy so..... Ya. I really like eah, since like last summer when I read the books. I am a personal fan of Dizzie. I think it's hat-tastic!!! Especially with the Lizzie's first date episode. I edited the photo at the beginning of this chapter, Lizzie does look pretty in that photo in my opinion. And Daring's gave is just really funny I had to for that in somehow. Since I'm a big fan of Dizzie, I just put that :)

This is Bleuszebra and I totally agree. Lizzie is so pretty in her Spring Unsprung outfit! Ok, ok, this chapter's bye ma beautiful cupcakes!

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