Chapter 4

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Maddie's POV


I hopped out of bed. TEA TIME!!! The kettle was boiling away.

"Turn it ooof!!!" Kitty mewed. I giggled.

"Silly Kitty! It's tea time! What could be more wonderific?!"

"I don't know...maybe more sleep?" She growled. But I didn't let that ruin my spirits. Kitty was always a little grumpy in the morning, unless there was a sunbeam to lay in. I turned to my mouse, Earl Gray.

"One second, you cutie-patootie little mouse you!" I squealed. "I need to go get a dress on so I can properly dressed for tea time!" I lightly patted his head, then somersaulted over to my turqoise and lavender dresser. I opened up the gilded doors to reveal a handful of absolutely mad dresses. I chose a sparkly tan top with purple sleeves and a many colored layered skirt. I tied a blue ribbon around my waist. It needed something else...A HAT! I skadoodled to my hat rack, and picked out a purple hat with golden trimming on a blue headband. So madalicious!

"Okay, Earl! Pour the tea you goofy little mouse!" I plopped down on a stick of pillows. Earl Gray poured the beige tea into my rose teacup. I sipped the steaming liquid. The bubbles fizzled in my mouth, leaving a raspberry tang.

"Mmmmm!" I moaned contentedly. "Fizzleberry tea!" I wiped my mouth. "Well, Earl, this has been a lovely tea party! I hope to see you again in an hour or so!" I swept all the dishes into my hat, the shoved the table and chairs in after it. "Kitty, get up! First period starts soon!" I shouted. Kitty mewed a little, and I left. No, I didn't use the door. I decided to try something new!

Head first, I tumbled through the pale yellow wall. "WHEEEEE!" I shouted. It was quite the exhilarating experience. I tumbled out of someone's smelly locker and right in front of Raven.

"Hello Raven!!! Did you see the frabjous way I entered the hallway?! I didn't know I could even do that!!!" I smile joyfully.

"Wow, Maddie. It's amazing that you can do the imp-" I gasped. My face turned very serious, which is extremely unusual.

"Don't say it's impossible!!! Because then I won't be able to do it!!!" I pouted with big puppy eyes.

"Okay Maddie, I won't. C'mon, I heard Ginger is making hot cross buns for breakfast!!!" The cinnamonny scent hit my nose. Jamie Hook, daughter of Captain Hook and girlfriend of Patrick Pan, appeared next to Raven,

"Really, hot cross buns?! My favorite!! We better hurry, you all know how fast Ginger's pastries go!!" I skipped along to the castleteria. For some reason, Raven and Dexter somersaulted into each other. Silly-willies! I noticed Cedar Wood sitting at a table, biting into a warm bun.

"Helllooo Cedar! Where did you get that?!" Cedar, whose mouth was still full with the raisiny bread, pointed to a girl with bright pink pigtails. I sped off to Ginger.

"Hiya Ginger! Could I please have a hot cross bun?!" She smiled.

"Here Maddie! Oh, and by the way, thanks for finally teaching me how to use a Wonderland kitchen! When I fell into Wonderland...gosh that was quite the experience. But now, I actually like Wonderlandian cooking more than normal cooking!" Oh that's right! A week after Kitty's mom sqadooshed Ever After, Ginger told me her tale. It was so fun to teach her! I told her everything Dad taught me.

I walked over and sat down by Cedar. By then, she had finished her bun.

"I can't tell a lie; these are out of this kingdom!" She exclaimed. I nodded my head up and down vigorously. The buns had a sweet, melt in your mouth cinnamon quality, and were also just every so slightly buttery. I finished eating, and by then Lizzie, Alistair and Bunny had appeared in the castleteria. I ran over and gave each of them a hug, hugging Alistair and Bunny the longest. After all, I hadn't seen them in forever after!

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