Ch. 5-The Date (Part 1)

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Wonderology was a terrible bore. I was stuck between Max and an empty chair. Bunny was supposed to sit there. Even if she was here, Wonderology would still be boring. The only time it's interesting is when I sit next to Maddie, but that hasn't been for several weeks. Luckily, I had snuck my mirrorphone in with me.

Daring and I were hexting back and forth, so I wasn't paying any attention at all to the lesson. The date sounded so romantic from what he told me. A movie at the Multihex theater, specifically a rom com. But I felt like it was too small. We needed to do something afterwards, but I wasn't sure what.

Suddenly, I got an alert from MyChapter.

--_HOCUS_LATTE_ posted 'New Chocolatte with strawberry swirls'

I follow them on MyChapter so I can get exclusive deals on their food. That chocolatte sounded SO good! I pressed the like button. That was what this date was missing! Going out for lattes afterwards would be hexcellent! I had to hext Daring about this!

I looked up to see Mr. Hatter looking in my general direction, so I pretended to pay attention. I had already opened up my hext with Daring, and I am fairy good at typing with my eyes closed, so I hexted him the message:

--So, Hocus Latte after a movie?

Mr. Hatter was still looking in my direction, so I couldn't look down at my hexts yet. My ringer was off, so I couldn't tell if Daring had replied. Right now he was in Archery, so he probably wasn't able to hext me a lot.

Mr. Hatter finally turned to the board, and I was full of curiosity. What did Daring think of my idea?! I peered at my phone, and my heart caught in my throat. I had sent the hext to the wrong people! It was on our Wonderlandian Group chat! I couldn't believe my foolishness! Daring and I were a secret! If anyone found out about us, we could be in big trouble. Huntlynn already faced a lot of controversy. I don't think people would be as accepting with us. Apple would especially be angry.

I didn't have a lot more time to panic. The bell was going to ring in 2 minutes. Maddie was having a tea party, so I sat down and bit into a biscuit.

(3 periods later)

My stomach was growling so much. I clutched it as I waited for the bell to ring. Princessology was torture! Apple's essay was going on and on. Those butter biscuits seemed so far away. Roseabella leaned over to me.

"Will she EVER stop talking?! Honestly, Apple can be such a goody-two-shoes sometimes." I nodded in agreement.

Just as Apple was about to finally move off of the importance of being a fashionable princess and move on to princess personality traits, the bell rang. The White Queen raised her hand.

"Apple, since your essay is simply spelltacular, we will finish it on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!" I ran out the door. Princessology is fairy boring sometimes! The only good thing about Princessology is that it is right next to the castleteria. I practically sprinted to my seat at the princess table. I usually didn't sit there, but I wanted to sit near Daring. I also wanted to avoid explaining the hext I had accidentally sent on the Wonderland group chat.

Ginger had made Queen of Hearts Tarts as a dessert. While they are called that, it's a completely different fairy tale than mine. It's actually my cousin, Terry Hearts', destiny. But the tarts were still delicious. They were made with a sour cherry and raspberry filling, and a thin, buttery crust. Ginger even cut little hearts in the center, instead of the traditional little line. There were at least 100 mini tarts. When did Ginger have time for this?!

I grabbed one, along with a small bowl of stone soup. I plopped down next to Duchess, who honked.

"Lizzie, you scared me!"

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