Chapter 3

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Daring's POV

My alarm clock woke me up with a dragon roar. I jumped out of bed. Dragon roars really get my adrenaline going, which it needs to be. The damsels aren't going to save themselves! Now, while the dragon roar gets me stimulated, it freaks out Hopper. Every single morning he turns into a frog. Man up!

"Daring, you know that freaks the everything out of me!!! Stop it!!" I smiled.

"My good man, you must understand that this is important for me! I must be alert and ready to help damsels!" But honestly I just keep up this Charming act only for my reputation. My dad puts so much pressure on me to be just like him and all the other Charmings before. Sometimes I wish that he'd lay back a little bit and let me express who I really want to be, sure I'll still be a gentleman but I want to show my true feelings. Only two people actually get me, my brother Dexter and Lizzie. I might rebel but it could ruin the stories of those I really care about. So the name Daring doesn't really suit me sometimes, but only when I try to do the best for others.

I know it's bad to care about what other people think about you, but I can't help myself because Cedar says she thinks I'm conceited. It's my dad that specifically said that a Charming has to look charming all the time to make damsels in distress not as afraid. Hex the reason why I always look at myself in the mirror. It's hard not to when you're just following orders to be a good Prince. All I want to do is make my dad proud, he doesn't seem to appreciate the rest of the things I've done. Like when Ever After wins a book ball game, all he does is say what I've done wrong and doesn't congratulate me. So much for spending weeks practicing trying to impress him. He congratulates Dexter for getting good grades and accomplishments, so why not me? I'm not jealous of him, I just want dad to do those simple things. Speaking of simple things, I need to hext Lizzie and ask her out on our 5th official date at the movies. And by simple I mean extremely pressuring. I mean like, what if she says no?

----Bookend Theater at 7:00 2night? Rom-Com sound good to u? ~D

After about a minute she replied.

----Sure, ❤️ u for remembering r 5th date!!! ~L

Yes! I can't wait to spend more time with Lizzie. She's actually really sweet and nice. Once you get to know her, she doesn't seem like the same person who yells "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" all the time. She's misunderstood, kinda like me. So we get each other and I like that about us. At first she was worried that I would break her heart, but I wasn't a heartbreaker. It made me sad that she didn't really trust me. So we got to know each other better and I guess it just sort of happened. Like, Bam! We like each other. Lizzie is one of the only people I'm not afraid to give up the Charming, conceited thing. I don't even act that way around Apple. One reason why I would choose Lizzie over Apple if I could without hurting anybody's feelings.

Now, the thing with Cerise. No, I do not like her. I know I danced with her over Lizzie at Thronecoming, but that was only to thank her for winning the bookball game for our team. Plus, I didn't really enjoy it. She kept in stepping on my feet while dancing. She's pretty, but almost all the girls in the school are. However, I like Lizzie and only Lizzie for forever after.

"Are you ready to go, Hopper?" I asked. It's important for an athletic prince such as myself to get a good breakfast.

"Uh...well..." I turned around to see a moving pile of clothes. I sighed.

"What happened?"

"I saw a spider in my coat pocket, which scared me and then I turned into a frog." The only time Hopper doesn't stutter is when he's a frog. I helped Hopper out of the clothes, then killed the spider.

"Well, I'm gonna go."

"Wait! Young prince, I can be trampled by those who do not care to look down. For only a lady willing to help me, I can transform back to my original form."

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