fair night

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little! Murdoc because i'm a sucker for it
hello! so sorry for the long delay. I had a plethora of health conditions and incidents get in the way of my writing. im currently in recovery of COVID-19 and have nothing else to do.... so i'm back!
wear your mask kids
and get vaccinated! i can't say this enough
alright enough of my rant let's get this bread
The night air was crisp and cool as the two men left their shared flat. Murdoc stood on the slightly cracked sidewalk and took a deep breath, an icy gust of wind rushing to his lungs. He had been struggling recently due to all of the commotion of modeling new collector's items, working on songs, meetings, talk shows, and anything  and everything in between. Tonight, Stu said he has somewhere special he wants them to go to as a little treat since the two have been busier than normal. Lost in his thoughts, he jumps at the sudden contact to his waist. Stu pulled him close and that was all it took for Murdoc's face to light up blood red.

"Looks like someone is in a good mood," chuckled the bluenette as he pulled him closer.
"Well, now i'm 100% in a good mood," Murdoc got slightly on his tip-toes and kissed his lover on the cheek.
      After flirting in the streets like newly-weds, the two began their search for their uber. Living in the city has its perks, yet having to pay for rides makes Murdoc's head spin.
From, "Why is this taking so long?" to, "I don't even think he has a bloody license," Murdoc's complaints are humorous to say the least. Finally, a solid black car pulls up and the two get inside. Stu whispers the address to the driver and then slumps back into his seat.
     Stu softly grabs his boyfriend's hand and squeezes three times. It may seem corny, yet it made Murdoc's heart soar.  When the two were not open with their relationship, they would hold hands under tables and whenever they wanted to say I love you to the other, they would squeeze the other's hand three times. It gradually became habit for the two men even after coming forward about their relationship. Murdoc smiled softly, feeling himself start to slip into little space, but this timhe felt extra nervous about it.
embarrassed even.
Tears gathered in his eyes as he looked over at 2D and softly whispered in his ear,
"I sorry for being a baby."
2D's heart broke seeing him apologize for being himself. Murdoc does not portrait himself as vulnerable to the public eye, but when the two are alone together he is beyond angelic. Stu pulled him closer and kissed his forehead, softly holding the nape of the older man's neck.
"You don't have to apologize for that angel, i love it when you slip in public. Seeing you so shy and sweet, it's adorable. Now, dry your eyes up! We are going to have fun!"
Stuart wiped his lovers tears gently, soft giggles filling the cab of the car as Murdoc slipped further and further.
    "Alright boys, this is your stop," mumbled the driver. The two said their thank yous and walked through a lot full of cars. Murdoc's head snapped around quickly as he heard loud music in the distance. As they approached the location of the music, bright lights became visible and it all clicked.
     Stu brought him to a fair!
Murdoc started jumping with excitement and started shaking his lover's arm.
"What is it, love?" 2D laughed seeing the once sobbing boy start to practically shake from excitement.
"You took us to a fair? With rides, and food, and lights, and just aaah!" Murdoc continued to squeal and jump with joy. He grabbed 2D's sleeve and said in the most serious voice manageable for his little self, "We have to go. now."
"Alright tough guy, we can buy some tickets aaaand I'll get you whatever you want tonight."
"Whatever I want? Daddy you can't do that."
"That's the thing," Stu scooped him up into his arms and said, "I can do that."
Murdoc let out a laugh that Stu swore was sunshine in a bottle and then the two were off.
      After standing in line for what felt like an eternity, the two finally bought their tickets and continued through the entrance. Murdoc was still bubbling over with excitement and squeezed his caregiver's hand as tight as possible.
"So baby boy, what would you like to do first?" Stu said as he glanced down at Murdoc.
He was in a deep daze with something, yet 2D couldn't figure out what it was. After searching around for a second, he realized it. A life size light green and blue dinosaur on display at a game. Murdoc did not say a word, but instead he lifted his slender hand and whined as he pointed at the game. He was in a smaller headspace than normal, which Stu became aware of the second his usually talkative baby went nonverbal.
"Do you want the dinosaur baby? Stuart asked softly.
"Yeth, I wan dinosaur pease dada."
2D swore his heart was going to explode after hearing his lover speak.
He. is.  so. adorable.
The two walked over towards the game, Murdoc's eyes widening more and more the closer they get.
"Hi there!" spoke the girl at the booth. She was young, blonde, and extremely energetic which made Murdoc jump at first.
"Hi, how much is it to play a round?" asked Stu, snaking his hand around his little's small frame.
"Oh! Sorry! It's 2 tickets, i'll get everything set up for you, one sec!"
2D handed over two of their tickets and then
it was on.
Murdoc grabbed the one of the darts before 2D could even blink and just like that the dart flew straight into the middle of the target. Stu was in awe at what just occurred before him.
"Bullseye! Wow, i've never seen anyone do that first try!" Said the blonde worker to the two men.
Murdoc hid slightly behind his lover in an attempt to escape from the situation, and for a second it worked. Until she asked what prize they wanted. Murdoc jumped up and whispered to his boyfriend.
"dinosaur dada tell her!"
Stu smiled and nodded, "We will take that green dino right there."
"Yes sir, here you go! Thank you for playing."

     Even though the dinosaur stuffie was his size, Murdoc had a literal death grip on it and refused to set it down.
"Baby do you want me to carry him so you can see where you're going?"
"N-o no daddy, i got this i is a big boy."
"You're the best big boy there is too." Stu said as he peppered his little's face with kisses.
"Stop itttt! I'm gonna drop my baby!" Murdoc said through his laughter.
      One funnel cake, three rides, and six games later, Murdoc started to rub his eyes and get a bit whiny.
"Are you ready to head back home now angel?" Stu said, carrying all of their belongings.
"I wanna stay here pease." The little replied.
"But if we go home, you can play with your new baby and show him your toys and pacis."
"Otay we do that now. Make the driver man come back pretty pease daddy. i have to show Cake my toys!"
"Is Cake your baby's name?"
"Yeth. Cake is my new best friend and we going to play at home."
Stuart noticed that Murdoc was beginning to fight sleep, so he picked him up and carried him to the car.
*time skip bc why  not*
      Murdoc sat in his lover's lap and held him as close as possible. Cake the Dinosaur was now sitting next to them as Winnie the Pooh played on screen.
"Did you have fun tonight baby boy?" asked Stu and he rubbed the little's back softly.
"Yeth daddy thank you for taking me." muttered Murdoc with his favorite paci hanging from his lips, sleep washing over him.
"You're very welcome."
Murdoc then nuzzled against his lover's cheek and said, "I loves you muches ever daddy."
"I love you too sweet boy."
Fair prizes and cuddles were truly the way to Murdoc's heart.


aaah long time no see!
i hope that you enjoyed this chapter. my brain is a little fuzzy at the moment so i hope it's readable lol.
thank you so much for all you do!
you're so so soooo loved <3
take care of yourself

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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