Chapter 2: New Pokemon on the journey

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 Author Pov: As our hero leaves their hometown to route one and finds a new Pokemon, they can join the team and train for the first gym in Kamiki village. "Mark: Hey, Let's split up and catch some Pokemon. Said Mark." Our heroes are now separated to add more Pokemon to the team members.

Mark pov: Cyndaquil and l look around for a Pokemon to catch as we look for a male Nidoran near some berry Bushes, but we got it etched, so we battle; to go for it, Cyndaquil (Cynd!) As Nidoran got as well, it goes for Cyndaquil (Cynd!) As Nidoran(m) got as well, it goes for poison sting; still, we counter it with ember, then hit with a tackle it lands the attract, then it uses peck it stood hit Cyndaquil hard, then end off with an ember in point-blank rang it was low on energy. Hence, I used a Pokeball it hit Nidoran(m) head *one shake, two shakes, three shakes click* We got a Nidoran(m) to the team, as I call Nidoran, then healed both of them with some Potion, so we were careful to look for some more Pokemon to train.

Luce Pov: Froakie and I were looking in an open grass area, then I spotted a star-shaped tail as I pulled out my Pokedex; it is a Shinx, so time added to the team go Froakie (Fro), and the Shinx started for the noise and on the defense posher and begin to charge it electrical power, I told Froakie to use water gun at the Shinx The Shinx took the Water gun, and then it used Tackle on Froakie that sent him flying but was able to turn around to use the move Water gun that hit Shinx in the face after that, the Shinx looked tired enough to catch it so with a chunk of the wrist I throw the Pokeball at the Shinx into the Pokeball then it *shake* *shake* *shake* *click* I did get a Shinx to the team. After healing up Shinx, we go on our way to find more Pokemon to add to the team; after healing up Shinx, the county will see more Pokemon to join or train up.

Conall Pov: Rowlet and I walk around Route 1 to find any Pokemon that will join your team; as we look high and low, I spot a Fletchling in a tree. As we get close to the Fletchling, it has seen use from the brunch it was on, so I told Rowlet to fly and use Leafageto hit Fletchling; it missed because it had passed out of range of the attack; then it used tackle on Rowlet, but I told him to fly out the way and tackle on Fletchling's Head and knock it down to the ground. As it hit the floor, I threw the Pokeball at the Fletchling *shake* *shake* *shake* *click* I got the Fletchling; after healing up Fletchling, I started to train up both Rowlet and Fletchling to become more vital for the gym leader.

Dorian Pov: Squirtle and I are waking in the deep parts of the woods on route one to find a Pokemon; as we walk in the tall grass, we are surprised to see a Skorupi in the tall grass, so I tell Squirtle to use a headbutt on the Skorupi the attack land, but the Skorupi had to use Poison Sting I said to use Water gun to block it, but what also surprising that this Skorupi can use Fire Fang but not that effect then told Squirtle to use water gun one more time that made Skorupi a slight weakening then I throw the Pokeball at the Skorupi *shake* *shake* *shake* *click* I have the Skorupi after healing up, my team time to do some training.

Arthur Pov: After the boys spilled off, they regrouped at the exit of route one after telling each other about their training and the Pokemon on their team; by nightfall, the boys made camp to rest and be ready for the next day. They will be on their way to Shinshu Field and then to Kamiki village, but they are going to meet an exciting fight in the Field that may shock them and the actual effect of infinity energy on Pokemon.

*skits: first step on the journey*

"Mark: I am glad our journey had begun, and we met all kinds of people and Pokemon."

"Luce: True; you can also find what Raikou told us when we were kids."

"Mark: Yeah, and maybe it's what to come with me on our journey; also, Dust, I'm glad your dads let you go with us."

"Conall: Yeah, but they know that I will be lonely when you guys go on your journey, but they teach me how to survive in the wild and make a fire, good delicate berries, and many more."

"Dorian: It is a taught journey for us; we will pursue and go to the Pokemon league and battle the champion by one who used to be the new champion."

Everyone: Hell yeah!

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