Moles! Worms! Ants! Oh my!

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(Rose POV)

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE NOT IN SCOTLAND?!" Tania and I scream at the same time

"Like I said" Nadia snorts from our reactions "You're actually on the River Thames in London"

"But we were in Scotland Yard!" Tania gruffs

"Scotland Yard is in London"

"The fuck they call it Scotland Yard then?" She groans

"It's cause the royal Scottish family stayed there back in the day" Nadia explains "Why don't you know that? We were taught that in school"

"We failed history" I point out with a shrug

"And its human history, who fucking cares?" Tania groans again "This is bullshit! How far away are we from Carla and Mandy?"

"They're not even in the same continent yet" Nadia laugh

"Fuck me!" Tania yells

"Where are we meant to go?" I ask

"Isle of Bute" Nadia answers

"And how far is that?"

"450 miles/726 km give or take"

"FUCK!" I pick up my chair and throw it across the room, smashing it against the wall

"Feel better?" Tania asks with a smirk

"No" I pout "Cause now I have to stand"

"Wow" Nadia scoffs, shaking her head "I can't believe you're going to be my Queen"

"Hey!" Tania stands up growling "She's going to be the best Queen!" That's my best friend, always has my back

"Okay. Jeez" Nadia snickers, raising her hands "I was just saying"

"Well don't"

"Fine" She sighs "But now we need to get you to Isle of Bute"

"We'll take one of your cars" Tania suggested

"Normally I'd say yes, but considering you'll be driving into the wolf's den, I don't fancy your chances of making it there in one piece"

"Can we take the tank?" I grin like a little kid

"Of course" She deadpanned "Nothing says inconspicuous, like a T-90MS driving down main street"

"Well what do you suggest then?" Tania snarks

"We go underground" She smirks and stands up "Let's go!"

Walking out of the room, Tania and I look at each other "This isn't going to end well. Is it?" I huff

"With my sister involved?"

We followed her out of the room and to the elevator we had arrived in

Entering the elevator, Nadia hit the lowest button with a smirk "This is going to be so much fun"

I have to be honest, I was freaking out

When the doors open again, we were in front of two thick steal doors "I just want to point out, I have a bad feeling about this" Tania groans

"Really?" Nadia scoffs "Trust me"

"Nope" Tania and I say in unison

"Bitches" Nadia grumbled before banging on the door "OPEN THE FUCK UP!" The doors didn't move "Fucking moles" She groans "Always have to do things the hard way" She does a series of knocks. It was funny watching her mess up and having to start again. 15 minutes later, the doors finally opened "That took too fucking long" She growls and walks through them

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