5th daughter

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Tania stares daggers at me, waiting for my reply

"How do you know about mates?" I curiously ask

"Just answer the question" She growls

"You first!" I growl back

She let's out a snarl herself "Fine!" She stands back and shouts to Rose "We're just stepping out to get ice Rose, we'll be back in a sec" I hear Rose come back to us

"Why? You have a chest freezer full" Rose says confused

"I was trying to get Carla alone to have the talk if you must know" Tania groans. Damn she's a good actress

"Carla doesn't need the talk" Rose protests

"Rose" Tania reaches out to her and holds her hand "I'm your bestfriend and practically your sister. I'm having the talk"

"And why is Mandy going?" Rose asks suspiciously while crossing her arms over her chest....her beautiful muscular arms, flexing as she does so....Stop it Carla

"For my protection" I fake laugh. Rose looks between us and nods

"Fine" She groans "But don't take too long, dinner is almost ready" Tania smiles and nods

"I promise we'll be quick" Rose takes Mandy's bag and picks up mine while giving me a quick kiss

"I'll see you ladies soon" She walks into the apartment and Tania closes the door behind her

She looks at me and growls again "Follow me" We follow her to an apartment door, 2 from Rose's and opens it with a key. We walk in and there are several monitors on with views from cameras of the surrounding buildings. Some in hallways and many showing the door we just came from. The walls are lined with many weapons, guns, swords, knives, battens and combat gear

"What is this place?" Mandy gasps

"It's all for Rose" Tania states. She steps back and starts stripping

"What the fuck are you doing?" I shout

"Showing you how I know about mates" Once completely naked, she closes her eyes. When they open again, her once dark brown irises now glowing yellow. Her body contorts and her skin stretches. Her face changes and she grows black fur. She's shifting! Within an instant, a giant, 8ft black panther stands in her place

"Fuck!" Both Mandy and I gasp

"You're a fucking were-cat!" Mandy gasps "But they're a myth!" The panther shakes her head

She transforms back and Tania now stands, she gets dressed and waits for us to get over our shock

"No ones ever seen a were-cat before. They were said to be extinct" I point out

"Not extinct, just in few numbers" Tania says like it's nothing

"Then if you know about mates and stuff, you know that we are...." Mandy says quietly and Tania nods

"But my first priority is and will always be Rose" Tania informs us which I can tell hurts Mandy

"Why?" I ask, worried what danger she might be in

"Because Rose is a Puer Luna"

"A moon child! What the fuck does that mean?" I ask completely confused

"Do you know the story of Deam Luna?"

"Yes" I nod "The moon goddess had 5 daughters, each representing a were-animal. 4 stayed in the heavens whilst 5th came to earth"

"It's true" Tania sighs "All of it, everything"

"So Rose is....a goddess?" I cautiously ask

"No" Tania shakes her head "She is the only child of the 5th daughter"

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