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(Rose POV)

I had buried my feet in the warm sand when I felt a presence behind me "Hello Tania" I sigh. Her big fluffy body laid beside me "Did she send you?" She shook her cat head as she looked at the ocean "I'm sorry I'm like this" I said softly "My emotions are shot, my thoughts are not my own and I can't help but think everyone's life would be better without me" She gently brushed my leg with her giant nose "I think I'm losing myself" I admit in a whisper "I know I have to go through all of this but I'm freaking out. I want Carla, I want to be your friend forever but....I don't want to be different"

"Ma'am! Step away from the cat!" I hear someone shout behind us

I turn around in a panic and see we're surrounded by the police "Oh fuck" I mumble. Tania spins around getting in front of me in a defensive position

"Ma'am please!" A male officer says again "You need to step away from the beast" I hear Tania huff, not impressed by the description of herself

"I hope you have a plan" I whisper to Tania. Her eyes go wide and she subtly shakes her head "Well fuck. Then I hope you can run faster than a bullet" I hear her huff and can't help but snicker "I thought it was funny" I shrug

"Ma'am! I will not tell you again!"

"She's friendly!" I shout out "You can lower your guns!"

"She's a wild animal ma'am! We can't do that!" He responds

"How do you know she's not trained?" I smirk. Tania swings her head around glares at me with narrowed eyes "I'm her trainer!" She bares her teeth at me but I continue "She was handreared and raised by yours truly. She can even do tricks" I hear a little growl from my best friend and can't help but snort "I'll even prove it" I walk beside Tania while she glares at me and I give her my 'play along' stare. She huffs for the third time today and nods "Now Fluffy sit" I see her holding herself back from smacking me and sits "Good girl" I coo and pat her on the neck "Now lay down" I point to the sand. She rolls her eyes and lays down" Who's a good girl" I giggle. She growls a little making me laugh "Now beg girl, come on" I snicker, I'm having so much fun with this. She gets on her hind legs, towering over me and put her two front paws together in a praying motion "Who's a good girl? You are, yes you are" I look to the officers and they've all put away their guns while some have their phones out recording "See officer, she's a pussy cat"

He walks forward as Tania stands up right again "Never in all my years did I ever think I'd see this" He chuckles when he gets close "She's pretty big. Where'd you get her?"

"I uh....used to work for a rescue group called 'Kitty Kat' When they could no longer keep their doors open, alot of the cats went to other rescues but I couldn't part with her" I tell him "We'd just moved in the area and she loves the beach"

"So her name is Fluffy?"

"Yeah" I snort when I see Tania roll her eyes "It's not very original but it fits her"

"Well I'm going need to see your ID and the paperwork on Fluffy, just to make sure it's all above board" He says, not taking his eyes off my friend

"Of course but I don't have it with me. We kinda came here on a whim" And the Oscar goes too.... "But I can come to the station later this afternoon with it all, if you don't mind?"

"Sure" He smiles "But I'll need your name for the record"

"Tania, Tania Stone" I tell him

"Okay Miss Stone. Be at the station later today cause next time, we might not be as nice" He says "We've been getting reports of giant animals running loose and I'd hate for Fluffy to be mixed up with it all"

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