It's a snake

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(Rose POV)

We've been walking for awhile, more like Tania has been carrying me. My shoulder is killing me and now there's a green slime oozing from it "It's ant poison" Moley explained "Basically acid"

"And those lizard thingys will help her?" Tania asked

"I hope so" He shrugged

"Well that's not very convincing" I scoff but then groan as a new bout of pain hits me

"The lizards are friendly, and also neutral. If healing you means they get involved in the ants business, they'll decline" Mole man sighs "Now do you understand when I say 'Don't touch anything?' It's for our own safety"

"In my defence, the baby Queen came to me" I say

"Just please, please don't touch anything else. We've almost died so many times, I can't keep saving our lives"

Tania stops walking and whispers to me "Which part did he save us?"

"Um....I guess the sludge?"

She rolls her eyes and keeps us walking "What do you think our mates are doing?"

"Stressing" I chuckle "And they're gonna be so pissed when they see us"

"Why do you think your grandmother sent us here?

"Well technically, she sent us to the wrong place, so....."

"It has to be because of something"

"Maybe she wanted me to die" I shrug, but stopped quickly from the sharp pains

"No, there has to be a reason" Tania frowns "There's gotta be"

"Oh no" Moley grunts and stops

"What?" Tania stops behind him "What's wrong?"

"We shouldn't be here"

"Be where?" I look in front of us and see a bright light coming from a tunnel "What's that?"

"Harvest isn't for another 2 months" He mumbles "Why now?"

"Moley man, you gotta give us something" I groan

He turns to us with fear in his eyes "We have to take that tunnel" He points to the light "But we must wait"

"For how long?"

"6 months"

"What? We don't have that long" Tania growls

"What's in the tunnel?" I ask


"Those pregnancy shrooms?" I scowl and he nods "Why can't we just walk through it?"

"Because every underground creature will be here and most of them are worse than what we've faced" He explains "They're not supposed to bloom for another 2 months, I thought we'd be safe"

"Oh for fucks sake" I huff

"Is there another way?"

"Not from this tunnel. We'll have to go back passed the ants and worms and Basically start again"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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