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Error's pov:

I am currently completing a mission assigned by a frightening entity aka Nightmare : collecting all evil side characters and capturing human in Undertale.

My initial story is a brutal one and it belongs to fell. Upon entering the au, all I could see was a chaotic scene, with dust and blood scattered throughout. Yes, I was serious when I mentioned that his aura was aggressive.

Hmmm... Not as extreme as horrors au, but still violent in my view. I scanned the outo for signs of danger, but then I heard someone yelling.

"STOP!" Quit being lazy and go to your post! I identified it as the edge of the cliff, Fell's manuscript. Later, I heard Fell apologizing to his brother, "I was just grabbing some mustard, boss."

I observed Edge in a heated argument with his brother, visibly upset and raising his voice. "STOP BEING A BRAINLESS IDIOT AND MOVE NOW!" Edge yelled at him. "I heard the boss grumble about it" fell murmured.

"What was that you said? Raise your voice!" Edge raised his voice once more towards him. "Got it boss!" said Fall but with slightly increased volume, revealing his nervousness through his voice. "HMP, GOOD, I HOPE I DON'T SEE YOU SLACKING OFF ANYMORE!" Edge mentioned as he departed,  Fell taking the bottle of mustard back to his station with him.

After he settled at his position and enjoyed his mustard, I made the choice to come out at this moment. "Are you still experiencing issues with your brother?" I mentioned, surprising him and causing him to choke on his mustard. It took him a couple of seconds to compose himself after choking, realizing it was only me.

"What are you doing here, you glitch bastard?" he snarled at me. "Relax, I'm not here to start a conflict, I'm just here because Nightmare asked me to gather the gang for a crucial matter."

"What is the crucial thing?" he inquired with little interest. "You'll be informed once we return." I'll do it, he said as he sighed and stood up, "Okay, but you owe me because my brother will be angry if he finds out I'm not at my post."

"Don't fret, I will leave a message for him indicating that you are with our group." I spoke.

He gave a nod before taking hold of my hand. I transported both of us to my empty space of a void.

~Time skip to getting all of the gang cuz author is lazy~

3rd person pov:

Once Error assembled the group, they gathered in nightmare's throne room.

Dust inquired, "What is the reason for the boss needing us again?"

Error responded, advising to simply remain patient and he will eventually disclose the information.

All of a sudden...

"Hey, have I overlooked a gathering or party happening here?"

The whole group looked over to see Bill standing just a few inches away from us.

Bill was standing, sporting a smug grin on his face.

"Hey there triangle, how are you feeling?" Fell greeted him with a smirk of mockery, causing Bill's smile to twitch.

"Not much going on, what are you all up to?" Bill raised his shoulders in a gesture of indifference.

"I'm only gathering some bone heads, it's not something I wanted to do," the error was casually clarified.

"HEY!" - A greeting is being expressed. The bold individuals were upset by his selection of words. (laughing my ass off) (unfortunate guys)

"Being on the list, Mr. Negotiator, is a positive," Error remarks sarcastically. "Is that so?" "That's unexpected," Bill said as he floated in mid-air above them, his arms crossed behind his head. Are there any additional musketeers of yours on the way? "Or is it only this sad bunch?" With a smug grin on his triangular buttock-shaped face, he teases as his eyes briefly shine in a soft golden yellow color before fading away.

"HEY!!"The group expressed their frustration and anger, finding the triangle demon irritating. They desire to remove that foolish smile from his face as he engages in negotiations.

 (dude might replace Hades I swear-)

"DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT, YOU LOUSY LITTLE NEGOTIATOR!?" Swapfell prepares his bone weapon in hand. His weapon made from bones is a gaster scythe.(I think)

"Try me" Bill is basically asking for this fight.

Fortunately, it was prevented before escalating into a more severe conflict than a head-dog on a stick.

"Less than 5 minutes and there's already an argument. I am truly surrounded by fools..."

Nightmare, seated on his throne, rested his head on his hand in front of us.

"Ah, there's the top boss," Bill attempting to spark another conflict.

"No more of your childish games, I have a job for you boys" Nightmare cuts to the chase.

"And what would that be?" Killer cocks his head to the side.

A nightmare conjures an image of the girl.

"Locate that girl, she could be our top chance to defeat those fraudulent sanses posing as heroes," He ordered, his voice filled with contempt at the mention of the star sanses.

"A female human? Really? Boss, could you not have done that on your own? It shouldn't be too difficult for you to catch her on your own." Dust is in disbelief that his boss asked him to come find a girl.

His neck was seized by a tentacle, hoisting him into the air and suffocating him in the meantime.

"Hey 'powder', you owe your life to me as I rescued you from the dreadful situation of your so-called home. You must complete this task now, or there will be consequences. You will experience a similar destiny as your sibling..." Nightmare snarls while he strengthens the hold of his tentacle around his neck.

"Y-yes, sir," Dust gasps, struggling for air. He was released, struggling to breathe.

"Well. Now, each of you, get away from me, locate the girl, eliminate anyone who obstructs you... " Nightmare issued his final instruction to them as his team departed.

Mission: Locate the young woman and capture her. Following that, utilize her as a lure...




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Hey y'all! Sorry for being gone for so long, I was finding some motivation. Another chapter done! Now lemme think for the next part.

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