Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                “The amulet, she still has my amulet,” A cat- like girl muttered as she paced back and forth. “That amulet is rightfully mine and she knows it!” “My lady,” another cat interrupted. A cat boy with blue ears and tail bowed before the first cat. “What do you want,” she asked “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of pondering!” Her words thundered through her throne room and her heels clacked on the black, marble floor as she approached the second cat. “Dear Tigress of the Cheshire, please excuse my rudeness, but when shall we claim the mouse village as our own?” The Tigress stared at him in pure shock. None of her subjects had ever urged her to do anything to their desire. “What,” she questioned harshly “You would dare question your queen’s timing, squire?” The squire bowed his head “I apologize your majesty, but we are running out of time t-,” The Tigress tolerated no more. She smacked him, hard across the face. He flinched and backed away “I-I didn’t mean to offend her ladyship. I shall be gone at once.” The queen watched him go with pupils narrowed to thin slits of black. “I hate, hate, hate that damn Timekeeper!” She struck out at one of her finest vases with angry claws. She sheathed them quickly as the door of her courters creaked open. “My dearest lady.” A familiar voice rang through the Tigress’s throne room. A smirk twinged across her face “Hello, Gamemaker.” A snake slithered across the floor as a girl, a bit larger than the queen, stepped in. Her black hat shielded her face aside from her mouth and fiery red hair came nearly to her shoulders. Her long, black dress was nearly encircled with snakes and a forked tongue flicked from her mouth of razor sharp teeth. “Riddler,” she muttered as softly as a snake hiss as she placed her hands on the Riddler’s shoulders. The Riddler unsheathed her claws and batted at her former friend. “You dared to come back?” The Gamemaker nodded and held up a black and red playing card “How could I keep away,” she hissed in a seductive tone “ Your games are just so fun.” The Riddler’s mouth curved up more into a wicked grin than a smirk. “So, what type of game did you want to play, Gamemaker?” “It’s an exciting game. However, it is a game that requires three players.” Now The Riddler was interested. What sort of game might she have in mind? The Gamemaker’s hand slid beneath the Riddler’s chin. “It involves the three suits coming together for a meeting, a party if you will.” The Riddler pushed the Gamemaker away, fighting the temptation to snatch her spade amulet which shone black in the light of the throne room’s candle chandeliers. “What’s in it for me,” she asked “Surely you have some sort of benefit ready for us to gain from this.” The Gamemaker removed her spade and diamond patterned hat and tossed it in the air. Black and red confetti exploded from it and she smiled broadly. “I can promise you at least one of the humans, and it may be a chance to take back the heart amulet.” The Riddler grinned “Sounds enticing.” The Gamemaker nodded slowly “ Then I shall see you tomorrow at seventy six.” The Riddler dipped her head quickly in agreement. “Very well,” she replied “Now get out of here before I decide that I can no longer tolerate your presence.” The Gamemaker dissolved into a black swirl and was gone from the Riddler’s sights once more. She was in a much better mood now. “Squire,” she called, and of course the squire didn’t dare delay. “Yes Tigress.” “Prepare me some of my finest stationary.” “Right away milady.” The moment that the paper and quill entered the Riddler’s greedy palms, she set to work on a letter to the Timekeeper. The squire cocked one ear “Milady, whatever are you writing,” The squire asked cautiously. “You know squire, you ask too many questions,” The Riddler commented somewhat affectionately. She swiftly kissed the squire on the head and watched his face turn bright red. The squire bowed happily accepting the praise. Blood trickled from the place where he was kissed and when he rose again, two puncture marks were placed in the center of his forehead. His smile went crooked then disappeared. “M-My lady?” The Riddler twitched a bit, then went back to writing her letter. The squire remained in the room with her, reading over every word and phrase that she printed. “So it’s to the Timekeeper about a tea party tomorrow?” The Riddler nodded “Very nicely observed squire.” She then leaned as closely to the squire’s face as she could without kissing him and whispered “Now be gone.” The squire hurried out of her courters with scars already forming on his head. The Riddler’s smirk turned to a sneer the moment that he disappeared around the corner. “That squire is as good as dead,” she muttered disgracefully, then continued her letter. This was an offer that the Timekeeper couldn’t possibly pass up. She began to snicker when she heard dismayed screams coming from the hallway just outside of her chamber. “The squire! The squire has simply dropped dead!” The Riddler’s grin returned “Oh yes, tomorrow will be great fun,” she giggled in delight. “You just wait you damn Timekeeper.”                        The Riddler awoke bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning, quite literally. Her first lady tended to her and she was soon on her way over the castles drawbridge to the Timekeeper’s domain. She snapped her fingers and teleported in her puff of crimson to the Mouse village. All of the villagers froze mid-work and gasped. “It’s… The Riddler,” One of them dared to breath. All of the mice squealed and bolted for their houses. The Riddler flashed her sharp teeth and pricked her catty ears, fighting the urge to give chase. Moments later, the Mouse princess and the Timekeeper emerged from the princess’s cottage. “Riddler,” the Timekeepr howled “What are you doing in the kingdom of the clubs?” The Riddler snickered “I have a proposal for you from the Gamemaker.” “Th-The Gamemaker,” the Timekeeper scoffed “What does she have to do with anything?” The Riddler laughed again and handed the Timekeeper her letter. “You would dare threaten to destroy the Mouse Village if I don’t attend?” “It’s not as if I couldn’t do it. I have plenty of knights and squires to take care of the job.” The Timekeeper’s golden eyes shone with rage. “I would fight them all off myself if it meant keeping these people safe,” she retorted, pushing the small Mouse Princess behind her. “Hey,” a distant call sounded, distracting the Riddler for a moment. Seconds later, a human boy with brown hair stepped from some nearby thorns. “If you want to hurt any of these little people, you’re going to have to get through me first.” The Riddler’s eyes shone with excitement. “The boy,” she mumbled. The Timekeeper lunged at her, but she easily brushed her off. She took a step toward him, unsheathing her claws. He was taken aback by them at first, but he quickly recovered. “I-I’ll still take you on, even if you do have your fancy weapons.” The Riddler laughed “How cute!” She ran her claw under his chin, leaving a trail of blood. “If you’re so interested in being a part of the cause, how about you join the Timekeeper and I in our tea party at seventy six o’clock tonight.” “There isn’t any such thing as seventy six o’clock,” the boy argued “Oh my dear, dear child,” she whispered “Anything is possible here if you just believe.” With that she turned to the Timekeeper. “If you need to contact me, I shall be in my domain. Be sure to let me know if you are coming or not.” The Riddler teleported again with her red smoke and was immediately swarmed by cat furries on her return. “Tigress, what is the final verdict? Shall the Timekeeper attend?” Their eyes glowed with hunger and their tongues swiped longingly around their jaws. “Not yet my lovelies, but I assure you that I shall soon be told of the Timekeeper’s decision.” Applause and yowls ripped through the crowd and the Riddler smirked. This was going to be a fun evening.

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