Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

                Austin sat on the Mouse Princess’s couch in her small den. He was nursing the black eye that he had just acquired through stupidity. It turns out that watching the Timekeeper bathe wasn’t the best idea in the world. The Mouse Princess snuggled his arm beside him, oblivious as to the real reason why he was hurt. “I’m sorry Timekeeper was mean to you,” she murmured “Maybe I should have a talk with her about it.” Austin turned on her “N-No that’s fine! I don’t think it needs to be discussed any more than it already has.” The Princess cocked an eyebrow at him “So, you did something to deserve it I assume?” Austin nodded profusely and shrunk further into the couch. “Austin,” The Mouse Princess addressed “What did you do?” “I, um, well.” The Mouse Princess placed her finger roughly on his nose. Austin shook it away stubbornly “It isn’t any of your concern.” The Mouse Princess was snickering now “What did you do?”  The Timekeeper stormed into the room, now fully clothed and glared death down at Austin. The Mouse Princess’s face lit up and an evil grin stretched to her ears. “Oh, so you’re that kind of person are you Austin?” Austin shrunk a bit more as the two crowded around him. “O-Okay you two, it isn’t a big deal right,” he asked, sweat forming on his forehead “I mean, let’s not do anything crazy here.” The girls probably would have persisted if it weren’t for the sudden commotion that stirred outside of the princess’s cottage. “Princess!” One of the mouse knights called, poking his head in the door “We are evacuating the village, some Cheshire have been spotted on the border line between the Club Kingdom and the Cheshire territory.” The Princess snickered “And you honestly told everyone to turn tail and run?” She flicked her tail irritably and stomped up to him. “I don’t recall ever giving you an order to clear out. You aren’t much of a man are you?” The knight kneeled before her “No my lady, I am not a man. I am merely a mouse.” The Mouse Princess smiled and motioned for him to stand. “Take them to the shelter just outside of town; I shall deal with this problem myself.” The Princess strode confidently outside and stood in the midst of her panicked citizens. They cleared a small circle around her, making sure not to trample her in their wake. Once all of the villagers were gone the Timekeeper and Austin both emerged to stand beside her. “Timekeeper, put Austin somewhere safe.” “Put me somewhere safe,” Austin asked in outrage “I think that you should be put somewhere safe, you’re only seven years old and you’re a girl on top of that.” The Mouse Princess would have had a nasty retort if it weren’t for the five Cheshire that were now closing in on her and her companions. “Well, it seems as though this will be a piece of cake,” a boy with bright violet ears snickered “Yes,” a girl with scarlet ears giggled. A bleach blonde girl with sea foam green ears stepped forward “More like a piece of mouse.” The Mouse Princess’s expression didn’t intensify in the slightest, her gaze just flicked from one Cheshire to the next. The next few seconds happened so quickly that Austin struggled to register them. The cat with the violet ears ran for the Princess, when he was about half way to her she tossed a knife that landed squarely in the center of his forehead. He stumbled forward a few more steps, and then fell to the ground. A look of sorrow crossed the Princess’s face, but she recovered quickly. She took out the other one with little effort until she was staring at the blonde one. “Run,” she ordered “Tell your queen what I have done to her precious soldiers.” The cat didn’t need to be told twice; she turned and leapt into the trees without another word. “Cheshire are shameful things they are.” The Mouse Princess commented as she retrieved her knives from the head and chest of the fallen cats. “So, shall we start today’s training Austin,” she asked with a smiled. Blood was dripping from her knives, causing Austin to recoil. “Well?” “Um, yeah that would be great,” Austin agreed nervously. The young girl walked proudly by him to put away her bloody knives, while the Timekeeper escorted him swiftly toward the forest bordering the village. “First, we will retrieve the villagers from their shelter.” Austin gulped before following close behind her. She led him to a point a few feet from the village that resembled a small cellar. When she threw open the doors a swarm of mouse people emerged, coughing and spluttering. “Timekeeper,” The mouse knight exclaimed “Thank goodness you have come to save us again!” The Timekeeper’s golden eyes narrowed “You’re welcome. Eventually you are going to have to learn to fight for yourselves though, I won’t always be here.” As the mouse people dispersed, Austin glared at the girl that stood beside him “Liar,” he hissed “You weren’t the one who saved them at all.” The Timekeeper winked “I have saved them before and I have to take credit for the princess, otherwise they would fear her.” Austin opened his mouth to protest, but she closed it for him. “No, don’t say anything.” With that she turned and followed the mouse people “Are you coming,” she asked quickly over her shoulder. Austin began walking behind her, slowly but surely. Had he just witnessed one of the biggest cover ups in Wonderland? “Hurry up,” The Timekeeper urged, forcing Austin on.  “I-I’m coming,” he called and began to hurry after her, falling in line once more.

                “Now I want you to come at me with everything that you’ve got,” The Mouse Princess howled, eyes gleaming. Austin stood across the clearing from her, panting. “Oh don’t just stand there like a weakling, get on with it!” Austin’s eye was bleeding again and he had a small cut on his upper arm. “I’ve been taking it easy on you,” The mouse teased “I haven’t even started throwing things.” Austin was surprised at the sudden arrogance in the Princess’s personality. Sure, he found it cute but it was also a bit scary at some points. He came at her with the katana that the Timekeeper had loaned him, slashing wildly only to be countered in seconds. He was roughly forced on his back for about the fifth time now. The Mouse Princess glared down at him “Are you sure you’re a force from where you come from? You seem pretty darn weak to me.” Austin stood and wiped some blood from his nose “I am a master swordsman, don’t question me. You and the Timekeeper just haven’t seen me angry yet.” The two girls snickered. They had been training for hours and Austin was just about ready to stay on the ground and give up. When the Mouse Princess ordered him to get up this time though, he took her feet from under her. She rolled next to him and laughed “Mock defeat from the master.” Austin chuckled as the Timekeeper came to loom over them “How can you be having so much fun after killing two cats today?” The Mouse Princess snorted and kicked at her legs. “Look who’s talking, stripper.” “Who taught you that word?” The Timekeeper asked sternly. The Mouse princess giggled “You don’t need to know.” The Mouse Princess was incredibly intelligent for her age. One might have even called her a wunderkind. She could wield knives like they were nothing and could take down a fourteen year old boy in one kick. It made him wonder just how well the Cheshire could fight if they were considered a threat to her. 

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