Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

                Alsiter stared the Riddler down from the corner of the room. She was being pampered by her maids. “So, you live in the Red Queen’s old castle?” The Riddler nodded, struggling to keep the cucumbers over her eyes.  It made Alister want to snicker, seeing such a vicious creature in such a venerable stance. One of her maids began to remove her facial, and moments later, those piercing green eyes were visible again. Her ears were straight forward and her tail switched playfully. “Yep I actually inherited all of it, being the daughter of the Queen’s head Cheshire how could I not?” Alister flinched “You mean, you knew the Queen of Hearts personally?” The Riddler nodded with a hint of a smile. “Yes like I said, she and my mother were very close.” Alister nodded “That’s quite impressive.” The Riddler took no notice of his compliment, dismissing her maids and scribbling down notes in a thick looking notebook. She appeared to be muttering plans under her breath as she was writing them on paper. “I believe our Tigress has shut us out,” A maid with green ears and tail whispered in his ear “I think it would be best if I showed you to your room.” The maid took his arm and led him down a dark hallway that appeared to be completely wrapped in thorns. They stretched up the walls and were punctuated by bizarre black and red roses. The maid stopped him at a door that was labeled “guests” in big, gothic letters. She swiftly unlocked the door and allowed him inside. “Well, this is cozy,” he muttered. The walls were painted an unsettling black and red with the same color scheme for the canopy bed and loveseat. The door closed with a loud click and Alister was alone in the creepy dwelling. He sat on the bed, which was surprisingly soft and sighed. He was hoping to be contacted by the Timekeeper soon. He wanted to get his instructions and get out of here as soon as he possibly could. He began to explore his room a bit more. The bathroom had a bruise like wallpaper and had porcelain, navy facilities. “Do you like it,” The Riddler’s voice purred behind him. “I had this whole room assembled just for you.” Alister brushed off her flirtatious tone “So, what do I have to do to achieve the power that you talked about.” The Riddler grinned “Oh, it seems we have an eager beaver on our hands,” she teased, floating to him and tapping his nose. He jerked away, expecting to feel a blast of pain from her claws and was shocked to find that she hadn’t cut him. “Oh come on, I don’t bite… Much,” The Riddler stated, grabbing his face and staring at him from an upside down angle. Alister laughed nervously as she cornered him. “If you wish to obtain such powers then you must become my apprentice. That’s my rule.” “And what would I have to do to become that?” “You would have to prove your loyalty to me.” Alister stared at her for a moment, configuring whether this was really worth it. “Timekeeper, what do I do,” He silently asked. To his surprise, the Timekeeper’s reply floated through his head. “Get on your knees and tell her you will do anything to please her.” Alister rolled his eyes, of course this had to be the most embarrassing thing that he had ever done in his life. The Riddler’s fingers snapped in front of his face “Are you alright,” she asked “You look as if you are in a different world.” Alister shook his head “Sorry, I lost focus for a moment, I was dreaming of all of the power that you could grant me.” He did as the Timekeeper had instructed, he got on his knees and begged her. “Please make me as strong as you are! I wish to rule over the Heart Kingdom with an iron fist! I could rule it far better than any other. I wish to make it into something beautiful.” The Riddler glared down at him “Do you really think you could do all of that,” she asked in a watch-what- you-say tone. “Yes, I do.” The Riddler stared at him for a moment longer. She then unsheathed her claws and grazed them across his face. “First you must learn a bit of humility,” she snarled “Bragging about what you think you can do will get you no where!” Alister flexed his jaw and held his face where blood was beginning to trickle. “Y-Yes milady.” The Riddler smiled “Now that’s what I like to hear. Tell me, does it embarrass you to be bowing before a girl?” Alister quickly shook his head “No milady.” “Very well then, I approve of you.” She then helped him up and brushed the blood from his face. “I here by name you the Prince of Hearts.” Alister knew that he was going to hate this whole experience, so why did he have a bit of excitement buzzing within him? He met her eyes “Thank you.” The Riddler smiled as compassionately as her soul would allowand dipped her head. “I will see you at dawn for training then, get some rest. I’m sure you need it after that Mouse Princess threw you out on the cold hard ground.” With that, the Riddler vanished. Alister bathed rather nervously due to the fact that the Riddler still might be around, and headed off to bed. The moment that his head hit the pillow, he was sucked into a dream with the Timekeeper. “Did you do as I instructed,” she asked. Alister nodded “It was the most embarrassing thing that I’ve ever done but yes.” The Timekeeper giggled “Now, I will need you to tell me everything that she teaches you,” she instructed “All of the battle techniques all of the shortcuts through the territory, just everything.” Alister couldn’t help but to feel a bit guilty for using someone in such a way. He had to take a moment to remind himself of how evil and horrid the Riddler was. “Okay, I won’t fail you.” The Timekeeper’s face lit up “Good, then I shall see you tomorrow night.” With that she was gone and blinding light shone in Alister’s face.

 Breakfast was laid out on a wooden tray on his lap. A tag was attached to it which read “Hope you enjoy it, I made it myself –R”  Alister hesitated before taking a timid bite of eggs. Again, it didn’t taste poisoned, but he could be wrong. He sipped some milk and pushed it away, unable to bring himself to eat any more. “So, did you like it,” the maid with the green ears questioned. Alister nodded “Yes, it was wonderful.” “You certainly didn’t eat very much to prove it.” Alister blushed “Well, I mean, I wasn’t all that hungry a-““Yeah, yeah save it,” she interrupted “I know what you’re thinking, and we would have drugged you a long time ago if we had any intentions of it.” Feeling oddly reassured Alister finished off the eggs and tore into half of the pancakes. “That’s more like it,” the maid approved, taking his tray and plate away. “The Tigress will be seeing you in one hour, so I would suggest you get ready.” Alister dipped his head and hurriedly dressed. He met the Riddler in the exact amount of time that he was given, only to find the courtyard empty. “Riddler,” he called, trying not to show his anxiety “Riddler, I’m here as you instructed.” After a moment’s pause the Riddler appeared directly in front of his face. “Boo,” she murmured. Alister stumbled backwards and the Riddler cackled. “Oh dear, it seems that you’re a bit jumpy this morning,” she giggled, tapping him lightly on the nose again, still refusing to scratch him. “So, let us begin with your training.” She offered him a hand which he reached to take, but was knocked to the ground with a lighting fast swipe of claws. “Lesson number one,” she snickered “Never be too trusting of people.” Alister got up on his own and glared at her “Are you here to train me or kill me?” The Riddler laughed “Well now, it wouldn’t be any fun if I told you that now would it?” The Riddler placed her hands on his shoulders and grinned. “I think we should start with your endurance training, don’t you think?” A shiver ran down Alister’s spine “E-Endurance of what?” “Pain,” she snarled, hurling herself at him. He dodged her, making her smack face first into a nearby tree. She came after him again with claws whirling, she nearly knocked him down again a few times, but he managed to keep his footing and come out unscratched. “I’m impressed,” The Riddler mused “It’s rare to see such potential in a mere mortal.” “Don’t talk as if you’re some kind of god,” Alister retorted. The Riddler’s pupils narrowed “Maybe I’m not a god, however I am a queen in a world of wonder.” She held Alister’s face and licked his ear. “Remember that.” Alsiter gritted his teeth “Just until I get the information,” he told himself over and over again “Just until I get the information.” The Riddler’s eyes flashed, it was almost as if she had read his mind. “The Cheshire are highly intelligent beings whom tend to stalk their prey in plain sight,” she began. Could Alister really trust the information that was being given to him? Or had she really read his mind and was leading him off track. “You can find us in any situation as long as you look hard enough.” Alister flinched “Is that so?” The Riddler nodded “And they all report back to me as their base. If I die then they all die.” “Wait, so why are you telling me all of this again?” The Riddler’s grin returned “Well, I just assumed that was what you were here to find out. You can go and tell that to your precious Timekeeper now if you wish.” Alister staggered back again. “Didn’t I just swear my loyalty to you yesterday?” The Riddler’s eyes grew round and her grin widened into a sickeningly psychopathic expression. She giggled for a moment before she finally responded “Did I not just teach you to not trust anyone too much. For all I know I could be nothing more than a pawn in your little game.” Alister was puzzled “Game?”

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