Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

                Austin sighed peacefully “This is the life.” He and the Mouse Princess were busy lounging by the lake behind her cottage. They paid no mind to the thorns and roses that were slowly incasing the village, they just sat back and waited. “Yeah, as long as your brother is within enemy territory, we won’t have to worry about a thing,” The Mouse Princess exclaimed happily. Austin sighed again “Is it wrong to wish that he never comes back?” He and the Mouse Princess laughed as the Timekeeper watched. Unfortunately, she was unable to indulge in the relaxation. She was beginning to worry a bit about Alister. After yesterday’s report, it seemed that the Riddler may or may not have telepathic abilities. After all, every suit’s special powers were supposed to be a mystery to the others. “Speaking of the kid,” The Mouse Princess began “How’s he doing.” “Princess, that isn’t very proper language,” The Timekeeper lectured “But, he is doing well.” She didn’t see the need to disturb them with the side notes that Alister had thrown in. “Oh, that’s good,” Austin commented absent mindedly. The Timekeeper sighed “You two truly are careless aren’t you, how about we start with your training tomorrow Austin?” Austin stretched lazily “Yeah sure, why not?” The Timekeeper chuckled in an effort to hide her frustration with him. It had been nearly three days since he had become the Prince of Diamonds and he had already been out run by the Prince of Hearts. Well, the temporary one anyways. “On second thought Austin, I think we should start now.” Austin opened his mouth to protest, but the Timekeeper was faster. She shoved one of the cookies that he and the Mouse Princess had been munching on in his mouth. “There are no ifs, ands, ors, or buts about it, you are starting training today. Now enjoy your final cookie.” Austin spat it out defiantly, but rose from his pool chair and followed her all the same. “Now, according to Alister’s observations, you are going to have to expect a hit from anywhere.” She paused thoughtfully “What kind of exercise should we do to prepare you for this,” she pondered out loud. After another moment’s pause an idea flickered in her eyes. “Okay Austin, do you know how to meditate?” Austin nodded and immediately sat Indian style, and hummed. The Mouse Princess laughed hysterically while the Timekeeper whacked him on the head. “If you’re going to do this, then at least do it right! Do you even know what lotus position is?” Austin stared at her blankly “Huh?” She whacked him again. “You are simply impossible aren’t you?” Austin stared at her innocently, oblivious to his mistake. “Okay, okay fine. Just do what you were doing without the humming.” Austin sat cross legged with his eyes closed, while the Timekeeper moved his hands to the proper place. “There, perfect!” Austin cautiously opened one eye “I feel stupid,” he commented. Of course this sent the Mouse Princess into yet another fit of laughter. Irritation was beginning to prick along the Timekeeper’s spine. “No creature in Moon Shimmer could teach him to meditate,” she howled. The Timekeeper slapped a hand over her mouth “The ancient kingdom of Moon Shimmer is not to be named in this part of Wonderland,” she hissed in her ear “You know better!” “What’s Moon Shimmer,” Austin asked. The Timekeeper glanced hopelessly at The Mouse Princess who merely squealed in delight “I love this story!” “Well,” The Timekeeper began “It was long ago, before there was any such thing as a Riddler, a Timekeeper, or a Gamemaker,” She paused to glance dramatically in both directions “It was even before the suit kingdoms were created. There were two ancient kingdoms known as Sun Glow and Moon Shimmer,” she uttered Moon Shimmer so quietly that Austin had to strain to hear it. “The people of Sun Glow were said to be cheerful and happy, they inherited the light side of Wonderland. Their opposite was the kingdom of Moon Shimmer, it was a relatively serene place aside from the fact that it was dark all the time. The Kingdom was said to have suffered from a major shortage of food and its inhabitants turned into brutal, terrible creatures that ate one another in their desperation. The king of Sun Glow decided to take over the Moon Shimmer kingdom in order to stop the madness. As you can see, the Sun Glow kingdom won since we aren’t all flesh eating brutes as the Moon Shimmer people were.” Austin’s eyes were wide with a mixture of disbelief and horror “Th-They ate one another,” he asked. The Mouse Princess nodded “Yeah, isn’t it gross?” Austin nodded with the same horror struck expression. “The Moon Shimmer kingdom won’t ever return though,” The Timekeeper reassured, holding the heart and diamond medallions around her neck “I won’t let the power fall into the wrong hands as my ancestors did.” The Mouse Princess was squeaking again “Yeah, you tell them Timekeeper!” Timekeeper glared at her. The Princess was being unladylike again. The Mouse Princess shrank under her gaze “I-I’m sorry.” The Timekeeper nodded “As you should be.”  “Wait,” Austin interrupted “So, you’re implying that The Riddler supports the Moon Shimmer kingdom and its reformation?” The Timekeeper nodded “So you sent my brother into a kingdom full of cannibals and savages, without even telling him what they are capable of?” The Mouse Princess stood up proudly “Yep, we sure did!” “Are you people completely insane?” The Timekeeper glanced nervously to the side. “Oh, but it’s alright. The Riddler may seem vicious, but she would never dream of eating one of her “visitors”… At least I don’t think.” Austin took a disgusted step back. “You had better hope that Alister comes back okay. If he doesn’t, then I will dismember you bit by bit.” The Mouse Princess flinched, but the Timekeeper held her ground, glaring defiantly down at him. “And wouldn’t you like to train so that that dream may become a reality if harm comes to your brother?” Austin met her gaze “When you put it like that yes, yes I would like to start my training.” The Timekeeper narrowed her eyes “Good, now sit like I showed you and try to sense where I am.”

                After a day or two of trying and failing, Austin was finally able to sense the presence of both the Timekeeper and the Mouse Princess. “I must say, you have improved much faster than I expected you to,” The Timekeeper praised “Now all we have to do it teach you to use weapons.” “Oh, that’s okay,” Austin replied “I’m already trained in sword jitsu.” The Timekeeper scowled at his arrogant tone, but recovered her patience. “Oh really,” she queried, to moments later be answered by a nod. “Fine then, show me what you can do.” She handed him one of the Club Kingdom’s finest swords “Attack me with that, show me what you have been taught.” Austin hesitated for a moment before running at her with the sword held over his head. The Timekeeper didn’t bother to catch the blade; she simply took his feet from beneath him with a swift kick. The sword fell to the ground a foot or so away from him. The Timekeeper grinned “Sword jitsu huh?” Austin rolled over and glared up at her “Oh shut up, it isn’t like you could do much better.” The Timekeeper instantly picked up the sword and threw it. It stuck in a nearby tree with a loud twanging noise. Austin laid flat on the ground “I’m so useless,” he mumbled. The Mouse Princess laughed “Yeah right now you are, but you won’t be once we train you.” “How about we start smaller,” The Timekeeper offered with a cheerful smile “We’ll use this plastic knife instead.” Austin groaned, but accepted his fate. “Fine, but only on the first few levels.” The Timekeeper and the Mouse Princess exchanged a glance. They had discovered the new and fun game of humiliating their human guest.  

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