Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                The Timekeeper stared at the place where the Riddler had been only moments before, astonished at her blatant threat to the Club Kingdom. “Sh-she’s never been so brave about it before,” The Mouse Princess squeaked in dismay “I-I think she actually m-means it this time.” The Timekeeper had no words of comfort for the small little mouse who was staring hopefully up at her. “I’ll try my best to defend you,” she whispered “I promise that as long as I’m alive, she won’t hurt you.” “Are you all okay,” The small blonde boy asked, following his brother. “You,” The Mouse Princess addressed the second boy that defended them “What is your name?” He hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether to tell her or not. “My name is Alister and this is my brother, Austin.” The one named Austin waved happily. “I-I thought you didn’t want to help us,” The Mouse Princess said, suspicion glittering in her eyes. “That was before we saw what you were up against,” Alister explained “I never would have thought that anything here could possibly be as vicious as that thing.” Hope was glowing from the Mouse Princess now. She glanced up at the Timekeeper who took the signal and turned to the boys “Now that you have seen her, would you care to come to the tea party and learn the story behind our kingdom’s rivalry with theirs?” Alister nodded with obvious second thoughts and Austin shifted uneasily. “Good,” She exclaimed “Then let us prepare to depart.” The Timekeeper quickly jotted down a reply that she and the human boys would be attending the tea party and sent it in a green flame to the Riddler. “Prepare to depart,” Austin questioned “But didn’t she say that it was at seventy o’clock in the evening?” The Timekeeper tossed her hand “Anything is possible in this world, as long as you believe in it enough.” The Timekeeper snapped her fingers and the sun swiftly sank behind the horizon and the moon shot up into view. “Let us go,” she urged as she placed a hand on each boy. “Good luck,” The Mouse Princess shouted as a green flame engulfed all of them.       The part of the land that they arrived in was much different from the cheerful mouse village. It was a dark and sinister castle with a spade carved into the tallest tower. “Where are we,” Alister asked, glancing around at the eerie scenery. “We are within the Kingdom of Spades,” The Timekeeper replied grimly. Austin yelped as a snake brushed past his leg. “Hello,” a voice cooed. A humanoid creature with snake scales and snake eyes slithered down from a tree. The reptilian human stood to tower over the three of them. “Are you here for the mistress’s tea party?” The Timekeeper met the creature’s tall eyes boldly. “Yes, please notify her of our arrival.” The creature crawled on all four of its scaly feet into the gaping hole that was the castle’s entrance. “So, what sort of thing usually happens at these types of parties,” Austin asked as casually as possible. The Timekeeper paused for a moment, debating what to say. “Normally it’s pure havoc,” she finally replied as the reptile returned and motioned for them to come in. The Timekeeper walked behind the boys so as to keep them from hesitating. When they stepped within the tea room a knife was hurled across the room to, moments later be lodged in the wall behind them. “Oops,” The presumed Gamemaker teased “I certainly didn’t mean to aim that close! Please forgive me.” The Riddler snickered and floated across the room to Alister. “Hello there,” she whispered “Maybe you should come and join the Gamemaker and I, I’m sure that we will be much more entertaining partygoers than those two.” Alister glanced quickly over his shoulder at Austin and the Timekeeper, hoping for reassurance. “Uh, no thanks, I think I’ll uh, stick with my friends.” The Riddler licked his cheek swiftly and returned to her chair. “You all do seem rather tense,” The Gamemaker commented “Maybe you should have some tea.” Three chairs took their feet from under them and forced them to the table. “I made it myself,” The Gamemaker hissed as she stuck a piece of sparkling, pink candy in the Riddler’s mouth. The tea cups were porcelain with black and green snakes coiled around them. “I also made the china,” The Gamemaker continued, taking a sip of her tea. A snake resembling the ones delicately painted in the cups carried a tea pot in its mouth over to the Timekeeper. “Timekeeper darling,” The Riddler addressed in a somewhat innocent tone “Would you mind if I sat with you?” She plopped herself down in the Timekeeper’s lap and smiled in her face. “It’s so good to see you again… Doll.” The Timekeeper swatted her away. “You would dare refer to me as your doll?” The Riddler snickered “Does this make you angry?” “Enough chitter-chatter,” The Gamemaker interrupted “We are here for the games, are we not?” The Riddler took her seat beside the Gamemaker and folded her hands beneath her chin. “It is of my understanding that you are in possession of the heart amulet, am I correct?” The Timekeeper rose from her chair. “How would you know that you fiend, have you been spying?” “No, but my squire has been.” The Timekeeper’s teeth gritted, but she contained her anger. The Riddler grinned “Allow me to explain,” she started, turning to the boys. “Long ago, there were four kingdoms in this world, the Diamond Kingdom, the Club Kingdom, the Spade Kingdom and the Heart Kingdom. The Heart Kingdom was said to be evil and horrid, while the Diamond Kingdom was said to be of purity and beauty.” “It very well was,” The Timekeeper bellowed, still standing. The Riddler ignored her outburst “Over time, the two kingdoms began to despise one another, claiming that one was better than the other. The Heart Kingdom created a race of cat hybrids that they called the Cheshire, while the Diamond Kingdom relied entirely on their White Stag for information. The Cheshire were a group of spies who would sneak into the Diamond Kingdom to learn why everyone thought that it was so amazing. However, eventually the Queen of Diamonds tired of it and sent her army of centaurs and fawns to destroy the Heart Kingdom once and for all. The Queen Of Hearts sent her dragons and unicorns in to face her. In the end, the two kingdoms destroyed each other, leaving Wonderland in total chaos. Alice was still alive at the time, but she failed us. She left us soon after the havoc started, not wanting any part of the violence.” “Wait, hold on a moment,” Austin interrupted “The story of Alice in Wonderland says that Alice helped the White que- I mean, the Diamond Kingdom defeat the Heart Kingdom.” “That was all a conspiracy,” The Gamemaker cried out “She spread that rumor to make herself look good in her reality while we were forced to suffer in ours.” “Alice never would have done such a thing,” The Timekeeper was back in the argument now. “She did try to help the Diamond Kingdom; it was just that she was too weak.” “That’s a lie! Honestly Timekeeper, I thought you to be a bit smarter than that! I was obviously wrong.” The Riddler had fallen completely silent, she sat in her seat, sipping tea. Austin and Alister joined her in her silence, unable to come up with an argument. “Alice was a brave and powerful soul! She left because you drove her away,” The Timekeeper snapped “She left because she was a coward.” The Riddler rose from her chair and began to slink across the floor, her eyes catching the light in the eeriest of ways. She slid behind the Timekeeper quickly and wrapped one of the Gamemaker’s snakes around her. “You promised this would be a peaceful meeting,” The Timekeeper yowled in fury. The Riddler grinned “You’re right, I did. I don’t intend to hurt anyone.” She turned to Alister “You all need a place to stay, am I correct?” Austin and Alister stared in astonishment “Y-You were the one that left that basket for us!” The Riddler’s grin faded to a smile. “Yes, I did,” she replied “I couldn’t stand to watch you suffer for another moment.” She circled them with an innocent expression, hoping to win them over. “You should come with me.” She extended a hand with sheathed claws “I promise not to hurt you. You could assist me in rebuilding the Heart Kingdom. Imagine the power that you would have at your fingertips! It would be absolutely incredible. To be able to have anything you want right at the snap of your fingers.” Austin stood back in a mistrustful fashion, but Alister was a bit intrigued. “You say that we could have anything we wanted with the snap of two fingers?” The Riddler nodded, her grin returning “Come with me,” she urged. Austin stared after his brother in dismay as her took the Riddler’s hand. “Fine, I’ll come with you. if it means that I can grasp the unending power that you possess.” The Riddler wrapped her tail around him and whisked him away in a puff of her red smoke. “How- How could he?” The Gamemaker untied the Timekeeper with a snap and turned to where the Riddler was only moments before. “Well, this party was a bummer,” she exclaimed in dismay “We didn’t even play any games.” She turned on the Timekeeper “Would you care to spin the wheel of misfortune while you are here?” The Timekeeper shook her head. “No, Austin and I need to get back to the mouse village in case the Riddler is planning to attack.” The Gamemaker watched the pair leave. “Now that we have Alister within our enemy’s territory, we should have the upper hand.” Austin recoiled “You two plotted this whole thing?” The Timekeeper nodded “Telepathically while the Gamemaker and I were arguing.” Austin held his head in confusion “I will never understand this world.” The Timekeeper smiled “It will take time and practice, but eventually you shall.” As they returned to the Mouse Village the Timekeeper had a burst of confidence in her new friend. “Austin,” she addressed him “How would you like to be my apprentice?” Austin’s eyes widened “D-Do you really mean that?” The Timekeeper nodded happily “Of course I do. Are you willing to take on the responsibility of possibly becoming the Diamond King?” Austin lit with pride “I- I am,” he replied. The Timekeeper sank to one knee and took his hand. “Then from now on, you shall be considered the Diamond Prince.” The mice began to cheer and Austin looked as though he might faint. The Timekeeper smiled, perhaps this was the “Alice” that they were meant to have.

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