Epilogue + Author's Note

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To say the least, shit hit the fan with my family. I had so many court dates, that I couldn't count them all. Eventually, I convinced them that I can live on my own and take care of Karen.

Dad went to jail, and Mom got sent to some sort of therapy for abused wives. I was glad that my mother got the benefit of the doubt. She always has been nice, even if she wasn't the best mother.

I work two jobs now, but the pay and hours are good, so Karen and I live happily in our small apartment.

It's going to take years of healing to get over the effects of such a broken home. I sometimes wake up to Karen screaming my name, wanting me to come save her. It takes me a while to convince her that we're safe, that we no longer live in that house. Maybe one day I'll get us in a financially stable enough position to make therapy appointments.

Craig and I are still happily together, for which I am glad. Without him, I would have never healed, and would have stayed the same hopeless kid I was before. He's always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. I don't ever want to go back to the way I was before. Back then, I wasn't living, I was only surviving, and no one deserves to go through that.

Life may not be the greatest, but it is certainly worthwhile. I'm glad I battled my demons. Some nights, I still feel worthless, like I should just be dead, but I'm not really suicidal. It's more like I believe my immortality is unfair to so many other people whose lives were cut short and dragged from this world by Death's cold, bony grip.

It still seems like there are more bad days than good sometimes, but I'm learning to cope, slowly but surely.

Eric hadn't spoken to me again since his so-called apology. I supposed that my cruelty had gotten through to him, and I was thankful for that. He always has been, and always will be, a toxic person, and I never needed him in my life in the first place, he had just managed to worm his way in in grade school.

Of course, not all problems were solved. I face new ones now. I have to worry about paying rent, making sure Karen gets everything she needs, and working both jobs all while still going to school. I can't even begin to count how many times I have wanted to drop out.

I worry about the day my dad will get out of jail. It will be years from now, but it's a day that will come eventually, a day I don't think I'll ever be ready for. There are plenty of things in the future I still fear, like what will become of everyone I love when immortality forces me to continue living. I try not to think about it too much since it's still decades from now that any of that will come true.

Life is good, it's happy, and even though it's not perfect, I have surely learned to love it.


A/N: Sorry the epilogue is so short. I just figured it would be a nice way to wrap up the loose ends of the story.

I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck with this story for so long. It's my first completed and chaptered story I've written, and I'm proud of how it turned out.

This story originally started out as a way to vent out my darker thoughts, the ones in the deep depths of my mind. I've struggled with depression, self harm, and anxiety for quite a while now. While I'm not going to sit here and tell my whole story, I will say that this story has helped me in recovery. When I started this, I was at one of my lowest points by far. Now, I'm at the best I've been in years, and I don't think I would have been able to do this without all of you, so thank you all.

My next story will be less triggering, and I hope all of you stick around for that ride, too.

With all that said, I will end all this here.

f i n.

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