More Secrets

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A/N: So, by now I should say that I've transferred this story from my Fanfiction to my Wattpad, hence 4 chapters in one day. Chapter 5 won't be up for a little while, Valentine's Day at the latest.


I was exhausted the next day when Karen forced an explanation from me.
"They mixed up my interview time, and then mine ran late." It was a stupid lie, but it worked.

"Don't worry me like that again," Karen said with a pout.

"I won't, kiddo. Now, go get dressed before we miss the bus."

She nodded and scampered off.

Once Karen was out of earshot, I sighed in relief. It worked. I would still have to fake a phone call about my application being declined, unless I somehow got lucky, and they called to tell me I miraculously got the job. Doubtful, but one can only hope.

"You've got five more minutes," I called to Karen as she darted through the room a few minutes later.

"I need help with my hair, Ken," she complained.

I walked into the living room and fell back on to the couch. She sat on the floor in front of me and handed me her hair brush. Back when my mom used to care, she taught me a lot about hair. So, I often did Karen's even though she's fourteen now.

I managed to fit her thick hair into my hand and began brushing the knots and tangles out from bottom to top so it wouldn't make even more of a mess. Once I finished, I quickly braided it, tied it, and ran to the door.

We had two minutes to get to the bus stop in the residential area. I figured I should make a game out of it. "Race you to the bus stop." I grinned mischieviously, throwing my bag over my shoulder and swinging open the door, knowing she'd follow.

As expected, she was soon tailing me and we made it just in time to board the bus. Karen sat up front with her friends while I went to the back with mine.

Per usual, Kyle and Stan sat together, leaving me to sit with Eric. I tugged on my sleeves and plopped down next to him.

"Kenny, can I copy your algebra?" Eric asked, knowing Kyle nor Stan would give in.

I rolled my eyes. It was a stupid question. I made C's in practically every class. I don't do the work because I see no point. That, and most things taught in school make no sense to me. "Kenny, are you even fucking listening?"

I must've zoned out a bit from lack of sleep because Eric was pissed that I ignored him. "It's a no to both questions," I said.

"Whatever, I don't need you anyways," he mumbled.

Soon enough, we arrived at the high school and everyone piled off the bus.
I gave Karen a quick hug before she ran off with her friends to do whatever girls her age do. Maybe makeup or something.

As I crossed the overgrown lawn known as our school's courtyard, I felt someone staring. Becoming paranoid, I looked around. Only one person's eyes met mine. They were electric blue, and conveyed a mix of confusion and relief. It was Craig. He was surrounded by his friends, though, and no matter how much he did or did not want to confront me about whatever he was staring at me for, he couldn't break away from them.

"Jesus, what is with Craig?" I mumbled, entering the school to wait for morning classes to start.


I was the last to leave as usual. Karen had made plans with a friend, so she wasn't with me. She said she was going to the mall or something and would be back that night.

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