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Before I had known it, prom arrived.

I was in the passenger seat of Craig's truck, adjusting my hair for just about the thousandth time. It was either that or nervously drumming my fingers on my thighs. My mind was racing with thoughts of what the dance would be like.

Every once in a while, Craig would glance at me and smile. I supposed he either didn't realize he was smiling or he just didn't think I was noticing.

"Why do you keep doing that?" I asked.

"Doing what?"

"Smiling at me."

He chuckled, yet another small smile crossing his features. "I dunno. You just look stunning. I mean, you're always attractive no matter what, but damn."

I let out a soft laugh. "It feels awkward to wear a tux. It's been, like, seven years since I last wore one."

"Is that all there is?"

He could read me like a book. Either that or my nervousness was quite evident. "I just- I'm scared of the reactions we'll get. I mean, you're out to most people, but I'm only out to our group. Cartman is going to be there because he went with Red and I just know he's going to say something to make me regret ever showing up."

"Just relax. This will go fine. And if not, then fuck this little hick town. I love you, and nothing is changing that. They can shove their homophobia right up their asses. Besides, I'll be right there with you the whole time. I've got your back."

I smile a little at that. "Thanks, Craig."

When we arrived, he told me to wait a moment. Before I could question it, he was out of the truck and to my side, opening the door for me.

"Why thank you, my dear," I said, making my voice sound a bit overly posh.

"It is my pleasure," Craig said, mimicking the voice I had done, a smile following.

After showing the woman at the doors our tickets, we entered. To say the least, it was the fanciest I had ever seen the gym look. The bleachers had been folded, and whatever had collected underneath was swept away, leaving more room for the couples in formal wear to slow dance. A concession table was set up in a far corner, by the sound table that was currently playing Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.

"You want to join in now or wait until the next dance?" Craig asked.

"I'd rather dance and get this nervous feeling out of my system," I answered.

With that, we were in the middle of it all, dancing as if we were any ordinary couple. Naturally, we got plenty of weird looks. Some girls seemed to envy me while their boyfriends seemed to want to beat me up either because their girlfriend was staring or I happened to be with a guy.

Craig noticed me looking around and pulled me a bit closer. "Just relax. Pretend that no one is here, that it's just you and me," he said softly, into my ear so that I could hear over the music.

I nodded, and took a deep breath. I figured there was nothing they could do to me that hasn't been done to me before. I shut my eyes, moving in time with Craig as he led, getting lost in the feeling of his touch and the sound of the music. It was all wonderful scenery, really, once you got past all the stares.

We danced for a few songs before we decided to take a break. He went to the restroom while I avoided dancers to get to the concessions for something to drink.

I cringed as I heard the annoying voice of none other than Eric Cartman behind me. "I always knew you were a faggot, Kenny."

I shrugged. "At least I have a date. What happened to Red? Did she abandon you for someone that isn't a total dickhead?"

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