A New Life

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I was soon released from the hospital, and taken to Craig's house. On the way there, he explained that his family would be taking care of Karen and I until all the legal stuff gets settled.

Before Craig had even finished helping me get out of the truck, Karen had come running. I could tell she was resisting the urge to wrap me in the tightest hug she could muster.

Honestly, I wanted to pick her up and spin her like in those clichè movies where the couple or whatever is reunited after a long time. Instead, I ruffled her hair, and gave her a brief hug.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, looking me over. "You look tired, but a bit better."

"Yeah, that's a good way to put it."

She smiled and took my hand that wasn't occupied with Craig's, and led me into the house. The rest of the Tucker family was waiting for me when I entered.

"This isn't going to be another of those stupid serious conversations again, is it? Look, I get it. My situation is shit, but all this interrogation isn't helping," I huffed.

"You weren't kidding when you said he was easy to annoy right now," Ruby said to Craig, earning glares from both of us.

"Well, this is serious, but I'll make this short. Craig told us he was gay a few years ago, and ever since then we have accepted our son wholeheartedly. Now, Kenny, I know you're a good kid, so I'm glad that Craig has chosen someone like you," Thomas said.

"Well this got sappy really fast," I remarked.

"Alright, that's enough, sassy pants," Craig said, taking my hand.

I laughed softly, ignoring the slight pain that arose when I did so. It would be like that for God knows how long. It's almost as if happiness is now forbidden. "Sassy pants?" I asked, grinning.

"Whatever, just come on."

And with that, I was dragged to Craig's bedroom.

"Now, I would sit here and lecture you about how you need to take care of yourself, but I think you've heard enough of that from the doctors the week you were in the hospital."

"Wait, that was only a week?"

Craig nodded. "They upped your dose of painkillers after the second or third day, so it's not a surprise you don't remember the days."

I wrinkled my nose just thinking about it. "Don't even bring those up. Sure, they help, but my mouth was dryer than the fucking desert all the time."

Craig chuckled. "Look, I know you've been through shit, so why are you only complaining about a dry mouth and not the fact that you have, like, three broken ribs?"

I shrugged in response. "Some small problems seem huge, and some huge problems seem insignificant."

"Confusing as ever, I see," he said, smiling softly.

We continued to talk the day away as if nothing was wrong, as if everything was right in the world again. But, I knew this wasn't true. The gnawing feeling of knowing I would have to go back to school the next day and face everyone still remained.

The morning that followed was inevitable, and despite my protests, I was forced to go. I had stayed out of school longer than necessary, the healing process nearly halfway done. So, with reluctance, I got dressed and headed out for school with Craig.

The moment I entered the building, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I knew rumors would start, and I would get hell for my family being so horrid. I could only imagine what Karen had been through.

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