˗ ˏˋ Chapter 1 - The Cursed Child

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"There are some thoughts you can't avoid and some feelings you can't deny." The words of his precious lover kept running through his head. He knew it, but he hid his feelings. A curse like him could never understand love. And he never did, instead he was obsessed. And she let him be, because she loved him, she loved the way he obsesses over her.

Ryomen Sukuna also known as King of Curses and Tenshi Ayame the heir to the Tenshi clan were opposites. One was a curse and the other a human, Jujutsu sorceress. The woman was supposed to lead her clan to greatness but people can change. Tenshi Ayame had changed, she was the traitor of the Jujutsu society. She may have been remembered as the strongest sorceress in her era but she was also known as a traitor.

All for love, it was all for love and she regretted nothing. Sukuna and Ayame had fallen in love a long time ago, although their love was seen as something cursed through society's eyes. Even if she were a traitor, even if her clan no longer accepted her, they still couldn't forget her. They couldn't forget her kindness. Cunning, beautiful, strong, friendly and a little mischievous, that was Ayame.

Ayame had long black hair that reached right above her ankles with bangs in the front. It was a tradition in the Tenshi clan that the females only cut their hair when they lost a fight to a curse and Ayame hadn't lost any of her battles in a long time, that being the reason why she had such long hair. Her deep blue eyes were dull yet full of life. She was truly a beauty that can't be ignored.

She was sent to exorcise Ryomen Sukuna, but before she was given the mission something had happened. There was a small argument amongst Ayame and her family. No one knows what the fight was about nor did any of the other people ask. When she was given the mission she accepted it quickly as if she was in a hurry to leave the place. She knew about Sukuna and his reputation. No one matched him as he was the king of curses. Deep down she was a little scared but as a jujutsu sorcerer she knew this was her only option.

When she finally saw him, he wasn't like anything people said. Although he did seem dangerous, she couldn't keep her eyes off him. Keeping a close eye on him from afar she tailed the king without getting noticed. Along with the curse there was someone else. A monk kid with white hair and a red-pink stripe and dark pink coloured eyes. Maybe an accomplice?

"You can come out now." The curse spoke. They were in a huge empty ground with a grove of trees around them. Ayame knew she had been caught and decided to come out as there was no point in hiding or running away. "So I guess you know what I am here for?" She says smirking at the curse. He knew she was there to end him, but the moment he saw her he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

They sent a sorceress, a woman at that. And he knew her identity instantly. There was only one clan in their era that let women fight as a sorcerer, the Tenshi clan. "A Tenshi I presume? Never killed anyone from that clan but this is going to be easy." Sukuna says with a smug attitude. "Are you sure about that?" Ayame asks, raising an eyebrow. Sukuna could see a black scaled snake coming out of the woman's kimono sleeves. The snake fell on the floor and grew big, the same size as Sukuna but it seemed as if it could grow more if it wanted to.

Ayame appeared behind him but a little afar with a dark blue sensu fan in her hands that covered her smirk. She was quite fast for him to notice. The sensu fan had little white flower patterns on it.

"How boring." Sukuna says, turning back and looking at her. When the snake plunges forward to bite the curse it gets sliced into three pieces vertically. A few drops of blood from the snake got on the curse but he paid it no mind. Suddenly more snakes came out of the sliced snake's body and went to attack the curse but they were also killed. "Is this all you've got?" Sukuna says laughing.

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