˗ ˏˋ Chapter 3 - Reality Is An Illusion

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He kept talking about the woman he loves. He talked about how beautiful she was to him, how strong she was and how wise and kind she was. The only person that reminded Sayuri of the girl he was talking about was her aunt Rin.

She didn't mind this conversation, to be honest. A few minutes ago she was all alone in the dark, she was in pain but now someone was beside her. All the pain was starting to vanish, or maybe she was just ignoring them and more focused on what he was saying. He is there for her right now. He held her hand and caressed her head. He talked about things Sayuri never understood yet found interesting. He said those assuring words that she would be alright. And so time flew by as he kept talking about the things he likes, the woman and about how Sayuri would be alright.

"Oh well, can't stay here forever," He says after letting go of the half curse's hand that he was holding the entire time. "Don't tell anyone about this." He continued. "Wait, what's your name?" She asks. He didn't know what to say. Even though she couldn't see, she knew he was hesitant for some reason. "I'm sorry but I can't tell you that. But you will get to know me soon and until that day you can wait." He concluded.

Soon Sayuri felt his presence fading away, the comfort she felt fading away along with him. She couldn't think about anything but him. But she knew he wasn't someone she should be thinking about because keeping someone as a memory will only hurt, at least that's what she felt when he talked about the women he kept dear in heart and mind.

Sayuri didn't know how much time had passed by, but it was most likely still night time because of how quiet the place was. It was quiet enough for the girl to hear her breathing. Sleep finally took over her as a few minutes passed by not thinking about the things that happened right now, she fell asleep.

────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────

"Sayuri, are you feeling alright now?" said a voice in a calm tone. Sayuri recognised the voice as Rin's. She wanted to respond but couldn't. She was still in a little bit of pain. It had reduced overnight, especially while talking to that stranger. She wanted to tell Rin about the strange person she met at night but remembered she isn't supposed to. So she stayed silent instead. Rin was worried now and told Sayuri to have her pills and get more rest.

And so days passed and after a week Sayuri finally felt normal. There wasn't any pain and she could see again.

She thanked those who helped take care of her and went to her aunt Rin and Mamiko. Rin was happy to see Sayuri was alright now and so was Mamiko but she didn't show it. "Well then, are you going back to Sukuna?" Rin asked worriedly. At the name of the curse Mamiko suddenly became silent and vigilant. The sisters did not want their niece to leave them and go to that wicked curse. But they knew it was Sayuri's choice in the end, and she always chose the painful path.

She thanked Rin once again without responding to the question and left. She didn't know what to do or say when she would meet her father and Uraume again after such a long time. She didn't know whether or not she should tell them about the mysterious person she met the first night.

She went to meet her father and upon seeing him, he lashed out on her with Uraume not being able to do anything to defend the poor child. "How dare you sneak behind my back and meet with those stupid sorcerers. All you do is bring shame to me!" Even though Sukuna knew what she had been doing behind his back the whole time, he scolded her today. He knew what she was doing, but today he realised just how weak his daughter was and that the Tenshi clan would only bring her down. He knew this had to end once and for all and to strengthen her, he needed to take away something from her that would lead her to have the will to fight. "The Tenshi clan is to be erased by tomorrow." Was all he said before leaving the girl with wide eyes and fear.

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