Chapter 5 - The New Era

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  Years had passed since Sayuri was kept in the ice block. She never once woke up from the deep slumber, as if she was satisfied with the eternal sleep she might be getting. But unfortunately for her, it didn't last an eternity. In the year 1989, a strong force was felt by all sorcerers, curse users and curses. It was strong enough for the breaking of the ice. Uraume was shocked when cold blocks started forming cracks, but they knew that it was finally time.

  And so the large ice cube cracked open little by little until it broke into bits. Lying on the floor was the sleeping body of Sayuri, surrounded by the piece of ice which was melting now. Uraume looked down at her and slowly picked her up. They carried her to a certain house built in a certain location. Years ago, that place was where the Tenshi clan's estate was. And now, Uraume had built a house there for Sayuri and Sukuna to stay in when they wake up.

  It was pretty big considering the fact that Uraume did this mostly for Sukuna. Uraume carried the sleeping body into the house and walked upstairs. There were many rooms. They opened one of the rooms and slowly placed the child on the bed and left her there. Sayuri slept without moving like a corpse for 8 years since then. Uraume started to worry about whether she would ever wake up or not. But they didn't have to worry for too long because Sayuri, the royalty among the curses, had finally woken up.

  She woke up casually, like the years of coma was just a nap for her. She didn't understand where she was or what had happened. One second she was in front of Uraume in the middle of a forest and the next she was in a strange room. She had never seen designs like these. It seemed like the typical japanese style room but there was something different about it.

  It was a small, cosy, and well-organised bedroom. The bed in which Sayuri was sitting occupied a significant portion of the space, and stood against a wall. A bookshelf with numerous books and a potted plant was on the opposite side, granting a touch of nature to the vibe of the room. Across the room, a window allows in natural light which illuminates the space, making the ambiance warm and comfortable.

  Sayuri's curiosity turned towards the door. She felt a familiar presence approaching. When the door opened, she saw Uraume coming in with a tray of food.

  "You have finally woken up, Sayuri." They placed the tray in front of her and Sayuri stared at the food. "Eat it. You must be starving." Uraume said. Sayuri didn't know how to refuse it as she wasn't feeling hungry at the moment, but she didn't want to let down Uraume by rejecting their cooking either. So she ate the food with no complaints. During the entire time Sayuri was silent.

  After she finally finished eating everything that was on the plate, she spoke. "Where are we?" Uraume simply took the plate from her and answered. "You have been asleep for years. This is how the world is currently. I bought this house 8 years ago." Uraume explained.

  After the small explanation, Uraume went on explaining how the times had changed and taught her everything she needed to know about the current century. Yet, Uraume never mentioned anything about Sukuna which was weird according to Sayuri but she decided not to question it. It was time for Sayuri to start anew. This time, no one knew her nor cursed at her. She was finally able to blend in with the others.

  With Uraume's permission, Sayuri went outside of the house to explore the new era of the earth. She found what Uraume had called vehicles on the roads. There were different shops and buildings everywhere. This was the city. The world seemed much more colourful than it was during her father's reign. There were so many people walking on the streets wearing weird clothes she had never seen before.

  While walking on the streets, she felt a strong presence, something she had never felt before. The feeling just passed by her, making her stop in her tracks and turning around to see what it was. That was when she first met him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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