˗ ˏˋ Chapter 2 - Cursed Technique

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The Tenshi clan had an Inherited technique known as 'Cursed Eyes' which only a few members had, one of them being Ayame. Mamiko also possessed the technique which helped her become one of the strongest in her clan. Cursed Eyes allows the user to see the other person or curse's emotions, dreams, and nightmares. Cursed eyes create an illusion of either what the person who was affected by it desires or their nightmares. (Kind of like a Genjutsu From Naruto I guess?) The user's senses are all heightened but of course, there's a drawback that is, using this technique does put a strain on the user's eyes causing it to hurt a lot or go temporarily blind as this is a really strong technique, but technically the user could counter this with reverse curse technique and heal their eyes but that would take a lot of skill and cursed energy.

It wasn't a surprise that Sayuri had inherited the technique and easily mastered it, and the Tenshi clan members were proud of her. But she couldn't create illusions yet as this technique was more complicated than she thought. This cursed technique in the Tenshi clan shows that they are not the type to go and fight head-on, instead, they think first and act second but that isn't always the case. It depends on what kind of combat the user is comfortable with.

Mamiko, the youngest sister, always acted like she disliked Sayuri even though deep down she cared for her and liked her, kind of like a tsundere you could say. Mamiko usually helped train Sayuri to use her cursed eyes but Rin was Sayuri's favorite person so far and she only let Rin hug her. No one else should dare to hug or even touch her. She got along with her grandparents too. She respected her grandfather a lot as he was strict and straightforward but understanding at the same time, her grandmother was also a nice person though she wasn't a jujutsu sorcerer it seems. And above all, this was all a secret from her father and caretaker.

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Other than her Inherited technique, Sayuri also has an Innate technique called Venom. It allowed her to create her poisons and substances with the help of her snakes. The black scaled snake consists of cursed energy within it through which it creates the poison and the white scaled snake who is linked with the other one uses the poison made through cursed energy and gives it the effects and form Sayuri desires. Once the substance is done, she can choose between whether to distribute the particles in the air or keep it in a liquid form. Since the snakes were like a part of her she could also control them. The poisons could also affect Sayuri and overusing her powers leads to extreme fatigue, but since her technique is related to deadly poison it could lead to death too. Sayuri always stayed focused so that she didn't overuse her techniques too much. The two snakes are always inside Sayuri's sleeves or somewhere around her. The two snakes are like pet dogs for Sayuri as the three of them grew up together. They could also express a few emotions rarely and being the only ones around Sayuri 24/7, she could practically communicate with them. And if they are ever destroyed by someone or some curse, she could summon them again, as the only way to kill them forever is by killing Sayuri.

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When Sayuri first discovered her technique, Sukuna made her use it for a long time which led to her being extremely injured again. She was supposed to control the two reptiles and fight a  curse stronger than her, which was too much stress on a 5-year-old child even if she was a half curse. She kept training her physical strength as her cursed technique wasn't strong enough. She kept fighting the curse in hand-to-hand combat with cursed energy in her punches and kicks. Though she couldn't do much as she was still a child. Then she started controlling the snakes to attack the curse to which they obeyed and grew in size through every bite. Each time they bit the curse they sucked its cursed energy which allowed it to grow bigger and bigger until they were able to squish the curse, well that was until it got blown to pieces by the curse. She was so close but still, it wasn't close enough. She summoned the snakes again with this time heading forth for another fistfight, but this time while she kept the curse busy the snakes had created a poison while being hidden in Sayuri's sleeves.

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