Training 0.1

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"Okay class, today we are going to do a training exercise." Aizawa paused as the class erupted with cheers, which turned into idol chatter causing him to speak up.

"Calm down. I havent explained anything yet." He sharpened the word yet to emphasized the importance of listening to what he needs to say.

Everyone calmed down, smiles and laugher died down slightly, the excitement still in the air as he continued. "You will be in groups of three and you will be fighting each other. Last one in the circle wins."

Iida stood up and raised his hand, "why groups of three sir?" Aizawa started to right the groups on the board, his back turned as he answered, "when fighting a villain you have to expect that there could be more than one, you are all able to control your quirks better so we are stepping up the difficulty level."

He turned back around, "get your uniforms and come see who you are fighting. Be at ground beta in 10 minutes."

Midoriya got up excited, he got his uniform quickly before running to the board. Scanning the names he smiled, he was against Todoroki and Bakugou. He turned around and playfully stuck his nose up, "come on Todoroki, let's go so I can kick your butt!"

Todoroki smirked as they started to walk to the changing room together, "in your dreams!"

They had become really close over the past few weeks on school. They started a study group with their group of friends but Iida said it was easier for him to do it alone and Uraraka hates studying and cant focus when she is with people. So the group ended up being just the two of them and over the weeks they have gotten so close that they ended up sitting with their shoulders touching comfortably.

That may seem trivial but for two 16, almost 17, year old boys that havent had their first kiss and no girlfriends that was a flirtatious step for them. Now, after these past weeks they have been questioning their sexuality. Especially the day that their hands brushed against each other while studying and their fingers lingered together. Both their hearts skipped a beat and they turned red.

Now Midoriya was half way done changing when his eyes caught sight of his favorite blonde. His back was to the boy but the muscles on him were very attractive to Midoriya, he turned away and blushed. He covered his face realizing what he just did, why was I staring at Kacchan's back like that!? His back! I've never been like this before. I like girls...

His mind traveled to his favorite brunette, she always smiled real big and her... heart... was huge, she was a total catch. As he focused on her, Bakugou flashed in his mind again. "Shit," he muttered to himself as he put his head on his locker.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki put his hand on his bareback and started to rub up and down, "you okay?" Midoriya blushed heavily, "yes sorry, I spaced out. I'll be out in a sec."

Todoroki nodded, "I'll wait for you, Bakugou, are you going to wait too?" The blonde was putting his stuff in his locker, they were the last three in the locker room still. His face changed from relaxed to "angry", "fine. Hurry up Nerd."

Midoriya coward towards his locker as he felt their eyes watching him taking off his pants. Bakugou watched Todoroki's face, his cheeks turned pink as he watched the smaller male slide his pants off. Bakugou smirked and walked over to Todoroki. "Whatcha lookin at Icy Hot?" He whispered rather close to the boys ear, he grabbed his ear, blushed, and moved away a little bit.

"You were looking too," he whispered back. "U-um," they both looked at Midoriya, "can one of you zip me up? I-I forgot the sting I usually do it with."

Bakugou stepped forward, "sure Nerd." He put his hand on the boys waist and pulled his closer's as he took his other hand and zipped up the uniform. He touched the bottom of Midoriya's hair after zipping him up, the boy was holding it up so it didn't get caught. "You need a hair cut Nerd."

Midoriya nodded, "I know. Now let's go!"

As they walked outside, Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief seeing as some of the girls weren't done changing yet.

When they were waiting to start, Todoroki stood rather close to Midoriya, they arms touched slightly whenever they moved, neither of them moved away or closer, but everytime they touched Midoriya felt his heart rate pick up and a few butterflies in his stomach.

Uraraka came over to the two, she smiled brightly and nudged Midoriya with her elbow, causing him to take a step towards Todoroki. Now they were touching completely but neither moved. "I saw you two are gonna be fighting with Bakugou, that is gonna be one hell of a fight!" She threw her fist up in the air excited.

Midoriya just smiled, oh my god I could totally hold Todoroki's hand right now if I wanted to. Maybe I can touch his fingers, that's not to weird right?

"Helloooooo, Dekuuuuuu?" Uraraka waved her hand slowly in front of the boy. "Yes! Sorry, I spaced out, I'm just so excited!" As he did that he ran his fingers over Todoroki's slowly, the taller noticed the obvious actions and did the same thing back but he loosely intertwined their fingers while Midoriya talked to Uraraka.

Now, I bet you are wondering why Uraraka hasn't said anything. Well, Uraraka is on the opposite side of Midoriya, and they are facing each other while Todoroki and Midoriya's shoulder are making a right angle. Their hands are behind Midoriya's thigh, you can only tell if you are standing directly behind them, which no one was.

Midoriya slowly tightened the grip to where they were fully holding hands. Uraraka was going on about how she was going again Kirishima and Iida and how excited she was when the butterflies in Midoriya's stomach started to die down. Todoroki started to rub the back of the boys hand with his thumb, causing Midoriya's blush to grow darker and the butterflies to start up again.

"Huh? Deku are you alright? Your face got all red just now and your breathing seems to be weird." Todoroki laughed, the boy that barely shows emotions laughed! His face was a little red and when Uraraka looked at him, his head was down, eyes closed and a smile as his hand was by his mouth as he giggles. "Woah! Todoroki! First you smile openly and now you laugh too! Look at you! I'm so glad you are getting more comfortable with us!"

"Uraraka! Can yo-," Iida started to yell but realized she was talking so he lowered his voice and put his hands up, "oh I'm sorry." Uraraka waved goodbye to us and started to run over to Iida.

Midoriya leaned back, his head rested on Todoroki's shoulder as he looked at the sky. "This is nice," he muttered, mainly to himself but Todoroki heard. "Yes it is."

Midoriya blushed, I hope we can hold hands again. I feel so happy.

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