There is hope...

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"Tua-eng!!! I have some great news."

Tharn enthusiastically approached Type who was busy with kitchen work.

"What has made you so happy so early during the day Tharn?"

"We got a call!"

"Wait... is it from the adoption agency?"


"Oh My God finally!"

It's been three months since Tharn and Type have been hunting for adoption agencies. The days have been tough. Agencies wouldn't entertain gay couples. Sometimes, their application would get rejected within a matter of hours. At times telephonic interviews were taken only to reject them for being men. Getting a face-to-face interview call from an adoption agency meant a lot to them. They can prove themselves better.

"Tharn I feel like celebrating, this a big milestone. When is the interview?"

"It's tomorrow babe at 3pm."

"I am so excited, I wish I didn't have to go to work."

"We will definitely celebrate Type, but work is priority and we still have the interview process to go through."

"Yeah let's be positive. I don't know how am I gonna work today."

"Me too honey, me too."

The couple was super excited for their interview. While driving on their way to work, they couldn't help but discuss about what things they need to shop for the baby, how they would manage time for its care and also who is gonna change the diaper etc. One could feel their emotions gleaming from their eyes while they conversed.

"Can't believe I reached the hospital so early. Was there no traffic on the road?"

"I guess we were just too engrossed in our conversation Type, we have had a great start to our day."

"I guess I should be going now. I will call you Tirak, take care."

Tharn bends over to kiss his husband's cheek. "Have a good day!"

"You too babe."

The day seemed to never end for them. The interview's excitement kept them on the edge of their seat.

Tharn was smiling away while working on his computer screen making his co-workers wonder whether he has gone nuts.

But at night nervousness hit the pair. Their anxiety levels were peaking so much that even food was indigestible at that point.

"Ai'Type I think I am losing my mind, I haven't really prepared for the interview, what will they ask us?"

At this point of time even Type needed some consolation. He had no idea what to reply to Tharn.

"Tharn, let's see what happens tomorrow. I have taken a day off from work as the adoption agency is pretty far off. Traveling would be an issue."

"Okay babe, I don't think I can sleep tonight."

"Come here honey, let me give you a hug."

Type firmly yet caringly hugged his husband and emotions flowed from Tharn's eyes.

"Will I be a good dad Type?"

"You are going to be an amazing Phaw to our baby tirak."

"I want to take care of us Type. I want to raise a beautiful family. Our family!"

"The time is right babe. We are working towards it."

Tharn hummed and sniffled while cupping Type's face between his palms.

TharnType and the Surrogate (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now