They have arrived!

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"I can't do it anymore! " she cried while tightly gripping on Type's shirt. Pain and agony written all over her face, Natasha did not expect an early delivery. The Lamaze classes she attended, all the exercises she practiced, the diet she followed, everything culminated at this point. The most crucial point of the journey. An inevitable moment.

"Don't say this Nong. You can do it. We have faith in you sweetie." Type stroked her sweaty forehead while she weeped.

"You're doing great Natasha. Just a little more." the doctor said.

"Alright I will try." She breathed out heavily.

"I want you to push at the count of three." Dr Preya announced. "Tharn I want you hold Natasha upright, don't let her lean back." Tharn did as instructed with a foggy judgement and teary eyes. He sniffled "You're going to be all okay Nong. I am holding you." tears were streaming down his face.

With much encouragement, Natasha pushed harder took deeper breaths.
"I see the head, just few more pushes Natasha." the doctor informed.

And with two more strong pushes out came the first baby. There was a loud cry which thronged in the silent ward room. "It's a girl!!" The doctor exclaimed.

The baby girl was all red and covered in blood and mucus. Dr. Preya gestured Type to come forward and cut the cord, which he readily did while his eyes welled up. The baby was quickly wrapped in a blanket and taken by the nurse.

"Okay Natasha the second baby is nearing down. It won't take much long. Can you push one more time? " the doctor asked.

Natasha nodded her head and held Tharn's hand tightly and pushed one more time. The second baby smoothly slipped out wailing even more louder than the first one.

"It's a girl again!! " Dr Preya announced and this time gestured Tharn to cut the cord. Tharn shared a look with his husband as if asking for permission. Type gently nodded giving Tharn some mettle. With shaky hands, he clipped the umbilical cord.
The second new born was wrapped and taken by the nurse.

"Nong did you see that? Those beautiful baby girls, you birthed them and did a damn good job. " Tharn said while gently holding her hand.
Natasha displayed a drowsy smile and slowly clapped her eyes shut.

"Natasha? sweetie. Open your eyes." Tharn tapped her cheeks.

"Doctor why isn't Nong responding? " Type asked worriedly.

Dr. Preya examined Natasha. "She has fallen unconscious due to blood loss. As I had stated, she is anaemic." The men looked at her in distress. "There is nothing to worry gentlemen. We have started her treatment. She will be fine in no time. "

The couple was escorted to the waiting area by the doctor where they were pacing about the empty room. Their babies had arrived but the gloom just never ended. They were exceedingly worried for Nong's health and chose to keep mum about anything until she was back to normal. Within a few minutes their gaze met something eyeful.

A nurse with a bright smile carried both their babies in her arms and gently placed them each in the daddies' embrace. "Congratulations to both of." she greeted. The couple thanked her and looked down at their bundles of joy. Their tears were never ending they couldn't hold it back in since the time Natasha's labour started and now after a great deal of time and toil, they have arrived! Suddenly at that moment they forgot what pain felt like.

One of the infants had bright and beautiful eyes like her Phaw Tharn and one of them had full lips and flushed cheeks like Papa Type. Both the babies had dark wavy hair like their Mommy.

"She looks just like you Tirak. Look at her pretty eyes." The baby yawned and Type cooed at her.

Tharn smiled amidst his tears.
"Tua eng our family is complete." He sighed in relief and tears kept streaming down his face.He placed a soft kiss on the baby girl's nose and she gave out a gurgle. They chuckled.

There was a feeling of contentment and peace that they felt there in there. Afterall their mirror reflection was in their arms.

After moments of silence Type spoke.



"I was thinking, while Natasha heals, we have a few things to deal with. I need your help honey."

"Anything for our Nong tua eng. Anything." Tharn readily agreed.

They handed over their babies to the nurse at the neo-natal ICU and left to complete certain unfinished tasks.

The next morning turned out to be a positive one. Natasha finally responded to the treatment.

"Tharn, Type Ms Natasha is out of any imperilment and has gained conciousness. You two can meet her now."

The couple rejoiced and pranced towards the ward.

Natasha, with a nasal cannula attached to her nostrils, looked up at the pair with heavily lidded eyes and smiled nimbly
"Congratulations baby daddies!" she said softly and extended her slender arm connected to an IV.

Tharn held the arm affectionately and kissed her forehead. "Congratulations to you too baby mama! " He grinned.

"You did so good Nong! So strong and unafraid. " Type gently caressed her head.

"I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for you guys." she murmured.

"Where are the babies?" she looked around. "They are safe and sound in the Neo-Natal ICU. Nothing to worry." Type replied.

Natasha sighed in relief and looked up at the ceiling. "Did you hear anything from her? " she asked with fearful eyes.

Type looked at his husband and smiled.

"Why are you two smiling? " she snapped.

Tharn stroked her hand "Nong.. hear us out and don't panic. "We spoke to your mom while you were unconscious."

"What?! But why? I mean she... "

"We told her the truth" Type continued. "And we are glad to say that she is utterly proud of you."

Natasha stared at them in confusion.

"We told her how you took such a risky decision in order to support your family. We told her how brave you have been through out your pregnancy and supportive you have been to a couple like us."

Her eyes started to well -up she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was finding ways to mollify the mother even during labour and her Tharn and Type did the job effortlessly.

"Not only did we speak to her Dr. Preya conversed with your mom too. " Tharn said. "You have nothing to worry now Nong. " He smiled.

"I am..I am short of words phi. I.... am so indebted to you two. What can I give both of you in return? "

Her question made the couple laugh heartily. "Natasha, sweetie, you have turned me and Tharn into parents isn't that a lot you have done for us. We are and always will be indebted to you. What we did was nothing to be honest." She gave a toothy smile hugged both the dads while still in bed.

"Oh and one more thing." Tharn said. "Your mom thankfully cannot leave the country because of the suit going in against her. Or else she was pretty much ready to come to Bangkok. " Type guffawed at Tharn's statements while Natasha abashed.

The trio was having their moment when unanticipatedly the ward door was pushed open.

(to be continued...)

A/N: Hello my babies! So what are Tharn and Type going to name their baby girls? Any guesses. Anyway, this story is about to end soon. Planning to start a one short. Stay tuned.

TharnType and the Surrogate (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now