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What is it Miss T?, I ask her

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What is it Miss T?, I ask her. She is a very nice woman, who works hard and has everything under control. No mistakes. Never. I am here with the new assistant, Sir, she says. Oh yeah, right. I remember. I kicked out the last one, as she was incompetent as hell. What was her name again? I dont know anymore or to be honest, I never knew. I look up from my laptop. Miss T, beautiful as ever smiles at me. I briefly glance over to the new girl, but dont really look at her. Wait. You?, I ask, Are you a stalker or a pervert? This fucking girl ran into me earlier and then blamed me, for not paying attention. Did she not know who I was? No one blames me. She stares at me with her big brown eyes. Now that I can really see her, without being in a rush, I realize, that she is not that ugly. You are my bossis this some kind of joke?, she asks in disbelief, turning to Miss T. Wow, this chic has nerves to question my position. Slightly getting angry, I get up and walk towards those two. Miss Thompson, I just call her Miss T, blushes and panics a bit, as she knows, that I get angry easily. Miss Price.., but she gets interrupted. You bumped into me and didnt even apologize. No wonder that your father is questioning whether you are the right heir or not she hisses. Miss T. get out, I demand harshly. Before leaving, she gives this girl a concerned look. The door closes. We are alone. She crosses her arms in front of her chest and looks at me defiant. Slowly I approach her. Right in front of her, I stop, over towering her. Who are you?, I ask angrily. But instead of looking scared, she smiles lightly and introduces herself: Good morning, Mr. Hughes. My name is Elaine Price and I am your new assistant. Okay, enough is enough. How can one be so so annoying, so outrageous? I cant keep my cool, there is no way. Blinded by anger, I wrap my hand around her throat and make her stumble backwards, until I push her hard against the wall. Angrily I slam my other hand next to her head against the wall. I expected her to wince, but she doesnt even blink, instead Miss Price never broke the eye contact. Not one second. Fuck, she is driving me crazy. No one treats me this way. With my left hand around her pretty neck I choke her a bit more, so that you can see my veins. The smile vanishes from her little face, while I bend down to her ear and whispered in a husky voice: Do never  disrespect me. Understood? She nods. No, I growl, Use your words, when you answer me. I tighten my grip once more. Yes, Sir, she mumbles. Satisfied I let go of her. Good girl, I grin, while I turn around. The meeting would start pretty soon, so I need to hurry. There is a rule, that is very important to me: Never be late. In my eyes there is nothing worse, than being late to a contract signing or meeting with partners. She still stands there, leaning against the wall, not moving one centimeter. After packing up my laptop and grabbing my jacket I was ready to go, but Miss Price seems to be a bitzoned out. Miss Price, you want me to walk to that meeting?, I joke. She blinks a few times, clears her throat, just to open the door and make her way to the elevators. Me and my fucking anger issues. Probably I will need in a new assistant in two weeks.


We drive through the city, while I am answering some Mails on my phone. My partners and I are going to meet in a restaurant, that Miss T picked out. During the time I didnt have an assistant, she overtook this position and helped me out. There is no way I could manage all the appointment by myself. Therefor I needed a new assistant. Thats why I am now stuck with this horrible woman. God I am tired, so I couldnt hide my yawn. Yesterday night I had loads of work to prepare, which basically ended in me getting sleep for three hours max. With a dizzy head I look outside. Immediately I sit straight. Hey, Price. Where are you going? This is not the right way, I moan at her. Confused I try to figure out which way we are going, but I could not see any way, how we would reach that restaurant. Elaine answers briefly: It is the faster way. Bloody hell this girl. No Elaine. Its not the faster way. I know London probably better than you, I answer and then I add more to myself, than to her: Why did they even give me a foreigner. I hear her groan. Sir, she starts explaining, Just believe me, we are going to be faster this way. Sure, what was I even thinking. Of course she is not only annoying, but also stubborn. Great. If I am late, you get fired, I say. And I don't joke about these things. "What do I get when we are on time?", I hear her saying in a sassy way. "Excuse me?", I reply confused. "Apology accepted, if you refer to this morning. So, what do I get?", Elaine goes on. Fuck. This girl was bratty, but why did my heart stop for a second when she said that? I laugh a bit. Okay, we can play games. "Think of something you want, love", I tell her, chuckling a bit. "If we are in time, I get to accompany you on the next meeting", she answers without hesitating. Well, there is no reason why I shouldn't allow it. I mean she is my assistant anyways, so alright, why not. Therefor I agree: "Okay, Price". She wouldn't win for sure. I know this city damn well, there was no way I would lose this bet. "Sir, we arrived", Elaine laughs. Confused I look up. Wait, she was right. How in the world did she? "I keep my word. Next time you can come with me", with these words I leave the car. What was wrong with me? I didnt exactly hate Elaine, but she really raises my blood pressure. 

Heyyy. Next part

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