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The next day, I wake up with a smile on my face

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The next day, I wake up with a smile on my face. This was the best night I ever had. For a very long time I wasn’t able to fall in love, but she changed everything. Elaine made me think I was confused, but the true feeling was love, nothing else. In order not to wake her up I turn around, when my heart stops for a second. She is gone. Fuck. I jump out of bed, just wearing my pajama bottoms, I walk into the kitchen. Relieved I realize she is still here. 

But damn.

She is only wearing a shirt, that actually belongs to me and stops right under her butt cheeks, so that depending on how she moves, u can see her slip perfectly fine. I lean against the door frame and watch her, as she goes on with cooking. 

“Do you want to stare at me for the ret of the day, or are you helping me?”, she giggles, without even turning around. “How did u see me?”, I ask her, while I put my hands around her waist from behind. “Doesn’t matter. Open your mouth”, she demands, giving me a bite if the scrambled egg. 

God, it tastes even better, knowing that she cooked it.

But instead of letting her go, when she wants to put the egg on a plate, I plant small kisses on her neck, sucking a bit here and then, causing her to moan a bit. That sound always makes me smile. But before I feel too aroused, I let go and sit down at the table.

“You are cruel”, she says, and pouts a bit. “Am I”, I smirk. “Oh Fuck off”, she laughs.

I love, when she laughs so naturally, with no effort. But she can’t tell me to fuck off.

Immediately I get off my stool and walk towards her. With an amused look in my eyes, I put my hand under her chin, so that she looks up to me. 

“No, I will fuck you, my princess”, I groan.

Her eyes get bigger with hearing those words. And then I crash my lips on hers. It is a hungry kiss, demanding, passionate and loving all at once. 

God, this stupid shirt looks way better on her than on me. She looks so sexy in it.

Easily I lift her up and put her down on the counter, without braking the kiss for one minute. When I want to kiss her down her neck, and go even further she suddenly stops me. 

“Today it is my turn don’t you think?”, she explains me, with a light smile on her lips. She pushes me backwards, hops off the counter and starts to open my pajama bottoms. 

Oh, so that is what my princess meant. 

She trails kisses down my body, her hands touching my abs and muscles. With her touch she easily send shivers down my spine, causing my dick to grow even bigger. Elaine drops down to her knees, glancing at me from her position. Teasingly she licks her lips and only to make me go crazy she pulls down my pants. Tantalizingly slow she finally got rid of my pants. With a devilish smile she licks over the tip of my manhood, tasting the precum. Then finally she takes it into her mouth, as far as possible. 

She is even better than I imagined.

I moan due to her touch. When she cups my balls, I close my eyes, simply enjoying what this amazing woman is able to do to me. She is able to make me loose control. As I keep pumping my hips forward, I feel my body build up. This feeling of lust mixed with the want of more, makes me forget about everything else. I really need the release, the satisfaction of coming. As my body gets more tense every time I move, every time, she goes up and down I get closer. Right before I get to my climax, she stops. With her thumb she wipes away the juice, that she had on her lips and licks it off. It only takes me a few seconds, to flip her around on her hand and knees.

Elaine is so damn wet, and that only for me. Just for me. 

Not hesitating any moment, I take her hard from behind. Her loud moan turns me on even more. As I thrust in her harder I can feel her getting tenser around me. Elaine moans louder, calling out my name. 

I do love this sound so much.

As I thrust faster, and her moans get louder, the release finally comes. The orgasm wracks my entire body. Every part of her body clenches as she also reaches her orgasm. Her moans make me realize that she is mine. Elaine Price, this annoying girl, is finally mine. We both lay on the ground next to each other. 

“William Hughes! Because of you the scrambled egg is cold!”, she jokes.

“Well if you wouldn’t have worn that damn shirt, I wouldn’t have to take it off of you”, I scold her as a joke.

“You can’t always blame me!”, Elaine complains to me.

“You just are to amazing, so it is your fault”, I laugh.

New chapter. Okay I have no idea if this is good or not. Comment, vote.

Btw have a nice time till Christmas.

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