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I am sitting in front of my computer

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I am sitting in front of my computer. It is already 2 pm and I literally did nothing all day long. The past few days Will and I had an amazing time, but today, I just think of Victor and the fatal mistake I made. I didn’t even try to find him. 

Fuck, what did I do? Am I insane?

Slightly angry I sigh. 

“You okay?”, Elizabeth asks me. 

“I am fine”, I answer tired.

“Honey, if you want to fool someone then talk to Miss T, but not me”, she answers strict.

“Ugh, fine”, I give in, “I…I maybe had something with a guy…and maybe you know him”.

“You fucked the CEO?”, she exclaims surprised and way too loud.

“Lizzy, shut up! Yes, I did. But not as a one night stand, I think I love him”, I explain her, rubbing my eyes. Again I sigh frustrated.

“Tell me everything”, she demands. So that’s how she is the only one getting all the story. 

“Damn”, she whispers, “Fuck I have a meeting now. But good luck with Mr. CEO”. She winks at me. 

Even more frustrated I slam my head on the desk, when my phone rings. Of course it has to be Laurent.

“Salut, chérie. Did you kill Victor? If you didn’t then you might have a huge problem. It is not only Victor anymore. He has two…friends helping him”, Laurent moans at me.

“I will find them”, I answer, trying to hide my emotions.

“What did you do until today then?”, he scoff.

“I’ve been… busy”, I avoid the discussion and just hang up. 

Laurent is right. I have been too distracted and completely forgot, why I am here. Fuck, I have a job to do and my job is definitely not fucking my client. Sometimes I am so stupid. Full of rage and the will to find these assholes, I get up. The gala of Will…Mr. Hughes will be in two days, so probably they will try to execute him in front of everybody, kind of to make it a statement. There is no time to loose.

In order to get my thoughts straight again, I rush outside, get changed at home and go jogging.

On my way back to my apartment, I make a decision. It is time to focus on my real job and as long I am near him, there is no way I can do that. Therefor I quit my EA job. Probably he won’t understand why, but that doesn’t matter. I can’t let Victor kill him. I can’t lose him.

When I step into my apartment, I throw all my stuff on my couch. Before doing anything else, I take a shower, to wash the makeup and sweat off. The game begins. 

The next two days I simply do research. I look at the structure of the building, I read dossiers of the three men, try to thin like them and work out, how they will do their job. Laurent and Sergei are very helpful. We have meetings until late in the night, so none of us gets much sleep. But basically we all are used to that. I gave up my sleeping rhythm a long time ago. Oh and eating correctly during research days well. I live from instant noodles and pizza, because cooking is no option. Then the day arrives.

I slip into a pair of black jeans, that are comfortable and stretchy. I put a black shirt on and put my hair back into a ponytail. A pair of black boots and a leather jacket, are pretty much essential, because I won’t get back here until I got this motherfucker bleeding on the dirty street, begging me to stop. Even though Mr. Hughes did distract me, I never forgot to do my training sessions. That is a huge rule, I never break. Don’t quit training. I walk into my closet and open a suitcase that was hidden underneath a pile of blankets. Not a great place, I know, but no one would suspect weapons in a barbie pink suitcase right? 

Carefully I take out two knifes, two guns and the fitting sound absorbers. When I find this idiot, I will make him suffer. He killed so many innocent people, I won’t go easy on him. I glance at my watch. Already 5 pm. My phone buzzes constantly as I receive texts and calls from Will… I mean Mr. Hughes. I won’t answer. With a sigh I put the phone in the suitcase, mute it and take out another one. His phone number is in the contacts, in case something goes wrong and I have to call him. I put the earphone in my left ear, just to hear Laurent’s voice in my head. 

“Salut. The day of fun has arrived”, he instantly jokes.

I roll my eyes at him and chuckle: “Lots of fun for sure”.

“The gala starts at nine. So move your ass to the location Missy”, Laurent gives me the order. I let my knuckles crack.

“Let’s do this”, I whisper, more to myself than to Laurent.

My motorcycle literally flies through the streets of London. Laurent gives me the directions, so that I don’t have any trouble finding the fastest way. When I park the motorcycle in a small side street, Laurent does the soundcheck once more, just to be sure.

“Okay, I will get in through the side door. I know where to go, so don’t worry about it”, I say.

“Make sure no one sees you”, Laurent reminds me.

God, it’s not the first time I do this.

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