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What is wrong with him! Fighting in a club, that is absolutely not like him

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What is wrong with him! Fighting in a club, that is absolutely not like him. In silence we walk down the street, so that I can take him back to his penthouse. He is drunk, he can’t think straight. “Elaine”, I hear him groan, when we stop in front of the building. 

“What, Will?”, I say. His eyes are pinned on my body, tracing my curves in this short dress. They are filled with lust, as he looks down at me. “You…I”, he stutters. Okay, now I am concerned. He never stutters. He leans down and I can smell the alcohol, when he mumbles: “Don’t wear short dresses like that. I can’t cope with that”. 

With these words he leaves me alone. What the fuck! I have to leave really quick. William Hughes drives me crazy and I really have other things to do than to think about what I want him to do with me. I have worked for a lot of men in my life, no doubt there were some handsome guys, but I have always been able to control myself. When he just gave me that look full of lust and desire, my legs got really weak. It has never been my intention, to make him feel something for me. If Paul finds that out, I will be in trouble. There is one golden rule in my job. No relationships with your client, even if he doesn’t know that you protect him. No friendship, no sex, and no love. And Will is my client. I sigh. There was just one way out of this. Find Victor and potential other killers, eliminate them and then leave. If I stayed one more day near Will, then I would have a hard time to not kiss him. 

I go back to my apartment and pull out some knives. With no problems I attach them on my leg, underneath a long silk dress. Victor was at a party. I knew that, because Laurent had told me. I get into my taxi. The game is on. 

When I arrive there, lots of people stand around. Carefully I look around. No sign of Victor. Slowly I walk through all the rooms, where guests are, but I can’t find him. After a few hours it is pretty clear that he won’t show up. This asshole fouled us. Payback time will come, dear friend. 

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