Chapter 25: Junk In The Trunk

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***Tia P.O.V.***

I sat in my room and attempted to do my homework for English. Yeah, that definitely wasn't going to happen. I thought high school was supposed to get easier. Well, that's what Sam and mom told me at least. I honestly wasn't believing a word of it now. I think it was because they were book smart about all of this stuff, like a walking sponge if you will. I didn't understand any of it.

I heard a car pull in, thinking it was my mom pulling in from work. I got up and walked down the hall and peered out of the window. It wasn't her. It was my sister. She was with those two strange cops that were here the other day, They didn't look like feds that I had ever seen before. It was pretty sketchy, even for my sister. I cracked the windows slightly to hear what they were saying.

"So this is your bright idea?" The one with the short hair said to her.

"I don't suppose yours' are any better." She said with a cocky tone. "Alright then." She finished.

"Won't your neighbors think it'll look kind of weird that you're carrying out machetes, flame throwers, knives, etc. and putting them into your car?" The one haired tall one asked.

I shut the window immediately.

Machetes? Flame throwers? Knives?

Why did we have a flame thrower in the first place?

Was this what my mom talked about when she yelled at Sam and Brian about hunting?

This seemed more like a murder squad to me.

Were these guys murderers?

I had all of these questions and no answers, now I had to find out what this was all about. I ran back to my room and grabbed stuff that was vital and threw it into a bag. I snagged one of my sisters old Carhart jackets that she gave me and threw on my sneakers. I checked out the window to see if anyone else was still out there. Perfect, no one was around. I snuck out of the front door and closed it quietly behind me. I noticed that her car was unlocked so I jumped into the back and shut the door quietly, making sure I didn't draw any attention. I realized that it would be too easy to notice that I was in the car. I felt around the seat in a panic as I tried to find a place to hide.

"C'mon. There's gotta be something in here." I mumbled. I found a cloth tab jutting out of it. I pulled it slightly and felt the seat move a little. I stood up as far as I could and faced it, pulling the tab again. It came down and revealed a dark red, shallow pit. I hastily climbed through to it and lied there. My nose was only inches from the ceiling. "What is this?" I wondered for a moment.

I heard some voices and quickly shut the compartment so nobody would see me. If my sister caught me, there would be no chance of me living. The door opened and shut again and I saw red lights.

I was in the trunk!?

***Normal P.O.V.***

I flipped the knife open and twisted it into the lock that was attached to the door. It practically fell off because it was so old. I opened the door with a giant shove and heard some crashing on the inside, but ignored it. Once it was all the way open, I stepped in and the guys followed behind me.

"You can't be serious." Dean said.

"Hold on, let me find it." I said as I searched around the dirty shed.

"Find what?" Sam asked.

"This." I smiled and grabbed onto the handle that was attached to the floorboards and pulled it up with as much force as possible. I thought I was going to knock something over that was behind me as the boards decided to finally move upward, revealing a set of stairs. The guys just gave me an unsure look and I put my hand on my hip, letting out a sigh. "C'mon guys, I'm a hunter, not a serial killer." I said as I stepped on the top stair. I made my way down and heard it get quiet quickly. I looked around and noticed that they didn't follow. I moved my head slightly to see that they were still standing up there, before walking towards one of the rifles. "Are you guys coming, or what?" I shouted.

"How do we know that there's no booby traps down there?" Dean shouted back. I rolled my eyes, so typical of him.

"If there were any sort of traps down here, don't you think I would have stopped talking a long time ago? Or at least warned you first?" I asked.

"I highly doubt you would've." He fired back as I hear them walking down the steps as I examined one of the rifles and picked it up.

"Besides, the only thing you have to be afraid of..." I paused and cocked the rifle, aiming and placing my finger on the trigger. He stepped down onto the final stair, stopping dead in his tracks, almost looking down the barrel of the gun. "Is me." I said and pulled the trigger. The kick sent me back slightly and Dean flinched as the loud bang echoed throughout the small room.

"What the hell!? Were you trying to kill me!?" He yelled. I lowered the rifle down to my side and let out a small smirk. He gave me a glare that was a little unforgiving.

"I was making sure it still fired." I said non-chalantly.

"By shooting at my face!?" He yelled again.

I was honestly considering giving him a nice slap to the face, but didn't.

"Relax, pretty boy. I wasn't aiming at your face. Turn around." I said in a half-sarcastic tone. He moved to the side and turned his head slightly to see that a target had been blown behind him. He turned back to me with a small glare.

"Still near my face..." He grumbled.

"Then don't stand in front of my gun." I stated. He walked to the other side and stared at the wall that was lined with weapons.

"You are aware that you have a torture chamber in your shed, right?" I heard from Dean as Sam and I began taking things from the shelves and throwing them into bags.

"Yes, Dean. I'm quite aware of this." I said bluntly as I tried to hold back my sarcastic thoughts.

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