Chapter 21: Catching Up?

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We both sat up against the headboard of the bed, probably contemplating what to ask, without scaring the hell out of each other. I took my head off of my knees and straightened my back out, looking at the ceiling, letting my legs slump a little.

"Favorite song?" I said.

"What?" He asked.

"You heard me. Favorite song." I told him.

"Ramble on or Travelin' Riverside Blues." He said.

"My brother used to listen to those constantly when I was a kid, but still good songs." I told him.

"Damn right, they're good songs. What about you?" He asked.

"Now that I think of it. I don't really have one." I laughed

"How is that even possible?" He asked.

"I don't know. I listen to a bunch of music, it's a lot to choose from." I told him.

"Okay. What's your favorite at the moment?" He said. I took out my Ipod and handed him an earphone. He took it and looked confused.

"Put it in your ear. It doesn't bite." I laughed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's a cover, new song. A girl originally did it, I didn't like her voice that much and it was too much emphasis on the piano. The guitar sounds better." I explained.

"Not bad, but it's not really my style." He said.

"I kinda figured that out." I said and he took the earphone out and threw it back at me, hitting my nose and falling into my lap.

"Okay, favorite color?" He asked.

"Purple, black, and yellow." I said.

"I said color, not colors." He laughed.

"Yeah, well you gave me two songs instead of one." I laughed.

"Touché." He said. There was a silence for a few moments. I leaned over to set my Ipod in my bag and laid flat on the bed, my head sitting on a yellow cased pillow. Dean looked down at me weird.

"Hey. That's not exactly the most comfortable position to sit in for two hours. Admit it." I said.

"Very true." He agreed with me and did the same and slid down next to me, looking up at the ceiling.

"Sam." He said and I turned my head to the side and looked at him. He was still looking at the ceiling. "How long have you been a hunter?" He asked.

"For as long as I can remember." I sighed. He turned his head and looked into my eyes. They were a subtle color that looked like they were glistening. "What? Do you want my life story?" I laughed.

"Sure. Why not?" He laughed.

"Fine. You asked for it. The hunter history, I'm presuming." I asked.

"That's kinda what I was talking about." He said. I sighed and tried to figure out what to say.

"My grandparents were hunters, on both sides. Bobby is my mom's older brother and my parents met on one of their jobs. My brother was born and trained, then me. My dad trained us. Taught us how to fight, use guns, everything. The my sister came along. My mom hated the whole fact that he was turning us into this. We were becoming part of the "Family Business" that she wanted to keep us away from. So they wanted a real family. A normal life. That's why my sister doesn't know anything about it. My brother and I kept training, getting stronger, faster, smarter. He kept following dads orders, never questioning any of it, never asked why we do what we do. 'Shoot first, questions later' is what we were always told." I explained.

"Why do you still hunt then?" He asked.

"I don't know. Maybe to have that notion that I'm still alive. To know what I'm still fighting for." I said.

****Deans P.O.V*****

"Why do you still hunt then?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe to have that notion that I'm still alive. To know what I'm still fighting for." She said.

"Even if it kills you?" I asked.

"Even if it kills me." She said. I couldn't believe that I was hearing any of this. I didn't know this part of her. It was kept hidden from both of us all this time.

"What about you? What's your story?" She smiled and turned onto her side, facing me.

"My mom was a hunter. My dad taught me and Sam since we could walk practically. We were his soldiers. Moving around everywhere, never in any place for more than two weeks at a time, after my mom died." I told her.

"Your mom died?" She asked.

"In a fire, by a demon, Azaezel. She went to go check on Sam, he was only a few months old at the time. My dad found her on the ceiling. Dad grabbed Sam, put him in my arms, and said 'Take Sammy, go outside, and don't look back.' I did like I was told and never asked a damn question about it." I said.

"I'm sorry, Dean." She said, grabbing my hand. The light was dimming in the room, either I was falling asleep or the light bulb was finally shot. "Why do you still hunt?" She said in-between a yawn. I closed my eyes, still facing in her direction.

"I'm still trying to figure that part out. I feel like I have to save everyone. The things we hunt, it takes everything out of you. I was told to hunt, continue the family business. I had to keep my family safe. Come back and see everything. It made me realize that I did need to save someone." I explained and opened my eyes a little to see that she had fallen asleep. The only thing you could hear was the faint sound of her breathing. The light must've flicked of a few minutes ago. Everything was being hit by the moonlight. "I needed to save you."

"When I lay with you
I could stay there
Close my eyes
Feel you here forever
You and me together
Nothing is better"

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