Chapter 19: Your What?

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I opened the fridge, grabbed a beer out (I know what you're thinking: too young to drink, relax, it's not for me. The utter smell and taste if beer sickens me) closed it and leaned against the wall, smiling. I laughed at the way he was looking at the book, he must have heard me, he looked up. His light brown hair swaying past his face and forming a smile.

"You're such a nerd." I said walking over to him, handing him the bottle.

"Thanks." He said taking it from me.

"With love." I said as I sat down next to him. He closed the book, letting out a small laugh. I couldn't help, but be curious. "What?"

"Nothing." He said.

"No. I want to know." I told him.

"I'm pretty sure you don't." He said.

"C'mon." I said hitting his shoulder. "Don't leave me in suspense." There was a silence between us, he looked at me, his blue eyes so sure of thought. It made me remember how much I missed them, how much they changed. It was like I didn't know this Sam and Dean.

"The thought of you and Dean, together." He told me.

"What? We're together now, aren't we?" I asked.

"Not like friends." He said.

"We don't even act like that now..." I said under my breath.

"I mean you and him practically act like a married couple. God knows, you both argue like one." He explained.

"Oh, thanks, I see how it is. You have complete and total faith in that marriage." I said sarcastically. We both started laughing, practically busting a gut. I heard someone walking, but was too busy laughing to look up.

"What's gotten into you two?" I heard and wiped the water forming in the corner of my eye and tried to look at who was talking to us. It was Bobby.

"Do I have to ask again?" He said while pouring something into my glass.

"It was earlier today. We were talking about--"

"My fiancée." I interrupted. He stopped pouring and looked at Sam and I. I think I managed to piss off Bobby without even trying this time.

"You have a damn fiancée?"  He asked.

"Yes. I do." I said with a straight face.

"Who?" He said, sounding disgusted.

"Dean." Sam said bluntly. He put the glass down and started walking back down the hall, my assumption was to shake the hell out of Dean.

"Uncle Bobby!" I yelled, running down the hall after him.

"What?" He asked.


"Why? Don't give me that whole, he's the love of my life thing." He interrupted.

"We were kidding." I told him.

"You don't kid about somethin' like that. I almost just laid him out." He said to me.

"And by God I should've let you, but not this time." I said.

"Fine, but next time you do something like that, you're workin' for me for the rest of your life." He said with his finger in my face.

"I accept that punishment." I said. He put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye.

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