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Pietro POV

"Whatever happened after that, that is for her to tell," Wanda finished.

I looked down at Annabeth, she had fallen asleep.

I put a hand on her hair, she subconsciously curled up closer to me. She was asleep for the remainder of the car ride.
When we got to the airstrip, Stark's plane was there, fully fueled and waiting for us.

I picked up Annabeth and carried her to the plane. She was short for a twelve year old.

Tony was leaning against the hood of the car when I got to the front of the car.

"Cute kid," he commented before making his way to the plane.

Wanda and I followed. I carefully climbed up the stairs, careful not to jostle Annabeth.

She started to stir when I sat down. "Hmm?" She rubbed her eyes as she looked around, not recognizing her surroundings.

"I carried you onto the plane, we are flying to where Wanda and I live now. We live with our team, the Avengers," I informed her.

She blinked the leftover grogginess from her eyes as she processed my words.

"So Stark is not bad?" She asked quietly, side-eying him as he spoke with the pilot.

I nodded my head and watched her shift into a kitten.

I placed her on the floor and watched as she and the kitten play what appeared to be tag.

Her kitten form was brown with blue eyes just like her human form.

Wanda sat in the seat beside me and we watched the two play.

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