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Wanda had put me to bed in my own room, the bed was huge, so she had slept with me.

However, I woke up cold and alone in my human form.

I could hear distant arguing from the other room. I couldn't make out the words though...

I sat up, swinging my feet over the side of the bed, wrapping a small throw blanket, that was at the foot of the bed over my shoulders.

The argument became more clear when I opened the door. "-but we need to know if all of that is even good for her! What her limits are! What if she hurts herself because she tried to change into something to strenuous?" I heard someone snap angrily. It sounded like Stark.

"She just got here! Everything we did was to get her away from testing, not towards more! She is only twelve!" I heard Pietro yell. Pietro didn't yell often.

"Tony they're right, why don't we try to recover what HYDRA did before we try pushing her? Let her settle in for a few months?" That was Bruce, I hadn't even known he was there.

I heard a defeated sigh, "Fine, but I think you should both consider it. I don't want her to hurt herself trying something too much," Tony decided.

I heard the elevator ding as they left. "Should we-" Wanda started.

She was cut off by Pietro, "Not now, we only just got her back,". 

I heard steps coming down the hall, so I hurried back into bed and pretended to be asleep.

The door creaked open, "She is still asleep," Pietro announced quietly before closing the door.

Their steps went back down the hall.

The Littlest Maximoff (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now