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It had been a month or so since the others were taken away, no one had sought me out after.

The airport workers kept trying to catch me and lure me over to them with food.

Eating with a broken jaw had proven to be near impossible. I couldn't eat anything I had to chew.

I could only eat the wet cat food they offered though, it was disgusting, but it was better than nothing.

They had their dumpsters locked up tighter than Tony did with his lab.

I had tried shifting back to unlock them, but my jaw felt like it was breaking all over again, so the workers were my best bet.

They kept setting out traps for me, but I wasn't that desperate. They'd even called animal control on me a few times, they'd spent an entire day trying to catch me.

My foot hurt even more the next day, I assumed I'd probably broken that too.

I curled up in a cardboard box that had fallen beside the cage the dumpster was in a couple weeks ago, one of the workers had seen me in it so they left it there.

I wondered if the others would come back for me, I was starting to doubt it.

I hoped Pietro and Wanda were okay, I saw the police arrest them before they were taken away.

A breeze blew by, I withheld a shiver and puffed up my fur, it was getting colder.

Winter was drawing near, I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it by myself when it arrived.

I would have to surrender myself to animal control or something if it came down to it.

Another breeze blew, this one was stronger.

That was just before hands picked me up, I yowled, claws extended to scratch whoever it was.

"Annabeth! It is okay!" A voice exclaimed, there was a gentle pet to my head and I went limp. Relief flooded me. Pietro.

"Come on, let's get you home," he said, rising to his feet.

The world blurred as he carried me away, he stopped at a car that was parked on the side of the road.

The door opened to reveal Wanda, who immediately took me from Pietro.

"Oh Annabeth! She needs a doctor," Wanda told Pietro. "Get us back to the plane, T'Challa will know what to do," she ordered.

I felt her magic in my head, I could feel myself change, but the pain in my wrist and jaw were incredibly muted.

I was thankful for that, I was more thankful when I felt her magic force sleep on me.

I was ready for this bad dream to end. I was ready to go home.

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