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I offered Bucky a hand and pulled him up, I did the same for Sam.

"Come on, cap needs us outside," Sam informed.

I could hear their coms buzzing in their ears. I didn't have one, they didn't change with me.

I shifted back into my malinois form, running with the pair as we hit the tarmac.

We were all running towards a warehouse, I could see a quinjet inside.

A golden beam caused all of us to screech to a halt as it split the asphalt in front of us, Vision floated down.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right, but for the collective good, you must surrender now," he said.

Tony and Rhodey landed behind him, Natasha walked into view with someone I hadn't met before.

I could smell Peter, but I couldn't see him.

"What do we do cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight," and with that, we started forward.
I ran to the side, seeking shelter behind some crates, I was ignored as the others collided and started to fight amongst themselves.

I could smell Peter, but I couldn't see him, I started following the scent.

It stopped under one of the things people use to get from the airport into the plane.

I looked up to see a red dressed form on top of it, watching the others. I shifted into a pigeon and started my ascent.

"Hey Mister Stark, what was with the dog?" I heard him ask as I got closer. That was one hundred percent my Peter.

"Oh, that's cool, I have a friend named Annabeth, she's cool too," he said after a moment.

"Okay Mister Stark, I can keep her distracted," he said, looking at Wanda.

He stood up, shooting a... web... thing from his wrist. He started to swing in her direction.

I tucked in my wings and dived, shifting mid air to collide with him.

He gave a startled yell as we started to fall, we hit the ground hard.

I felt something pop in my wrist as we landed, an explosion of pain followed it. I grit my teeth as I stood up, Peter had rolled and was now crouched, eyes wide as he stared at me.

"Annabeth?!" He exclaimed, "What-What are you doing here?" The eyes on his mask got even wider, if it was even possible.

"I will not let you harm my sister," I informed him, widening my stance.

"I... wait, she's your sister?!" He exclaimed, pointing at somewhere behind me.

I felt a gush of wind, "And I am her brother," I heard Pietro say from behind me, that was just before Peter completely disappeared and suddenly Pietro was in from of me, hands on my shoulders.

"You should not be out here," he told me, "This is not your fight, neither of you should be," he said, his face was frustrated.

"I will not stand by as you and Wanda are hurt," I told him.

Pietro grabbed my wrist to bring me inside, but released me as I hissed in pain.

"And I will not stand by as you are injured either, you are going inside with spider-boy," Pietro told me sternly before the world distorted around me.

"And I will not stand by as you are injured either, you are going inside with spider-boy," Pietro told me sternly before the world distorted around me

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