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Pietro had run the entirety of the trail once before stopping when he came across me again.

"I see why you spend so much time out here. It is quiet, peaceful," he said, looking up in the branches of the trees.

I chuffed in response, sniffing at a particular rock, I could smell a salamander under it.

"I should join you on these walks more often, I think it-," he was cut off by the ringing of his phone.

He sighed as he pulled it out of his pocket, "What Stark?"

I could hear Tony talking on the other end, but elected to ignore it as I padded ahead.

"No, I did not forget about the meeting with the secretary... give me a moment," Pietro snipped before hanging up the phone.

"Unfortunately, I have to go to a meeting," Pietro announced, looking at me.

I looked up at him with a huff of air and sad eyes.

"Do not look at me like that, we will continue our walk another time," Pietro defended, giving me a rub on the head.

"I will see you back at the house, or out here depending on how long this takes," Pietro said, that was all he said before disappearing.

I turned around, walking back down the trail we'd come down, and back to the house.
"And if we don't come to a decision you like?" I heard Natasha ask as I walked back in the house.

"Then you retire," I didn't know who that voice belonged to.

The door clicked closed behind me, "Who was that?" I heard the unfamiliar voice ask.

"Just the dog," I heard Natasha say, I took that as my cue and shifted back into my laika form.

A man looked over the railing as I finished, he stared at me for a few moments until I barked at him. "Anna, bed," I heard Pietro call.

I stared for a few more moments before trotting down the hallway, whatever they were talking about, I was not allowed to know. I probably didn't want to know either.

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