play your part

39 4 2

134-tw manipulation

i knew that she was manipulative from the start.
maybe i thought that i was different, that she actually cared for me.

I figured out that wasn't the case.

i didn't care though.

I had no one else except for her.
Even though her love was fake, if i drowned out my feelings of logic and reason, i still felt loved.

All the kind words that she would say to me, her delicate words to get me to do stuff, i didn't care she didn't mean it, it felt good to act cared for
ill play my part.
ill be the oblivious child who was stupid enough to believe it.
if thats what it will take to not feel isolated and alone,
then so be it.

king for a day
pierce the veil

Short writings, book oneWhere stories live. Discover now