gray hair

38 4 4

223-tw suicide
i hate this one it sucks lol

A thin gray hair sits on my scalp, sticking out compared to the black surrounding it.

Another adult would be upset, consider to re-dye their hair or simply pluck it because its a sign of them losing their youth.

I however,

I couldn't be happier to see it.

'my first gray hair' i smile to myself

When i were a teenager, i never though about things like what id do once my hair was gray. I never even considered it really. what teenager would.?

when i were a teenager, a memory that sticks out was around 4 am in December.

i felt life had no purpose so I had taken too many pills and it felt like my whole body were shutting down, and it was probably close to. i didn't think i would be alive come the next morning, and at that point i didn't know if i wanted to be.

the next 40 years, I stand in front of my mirror and look at my hair turning gray. Not many of people in my position then could get to make a decision about this now, but i get to, even though everything seemed to be against that sad teenager.

but i think that that same teenager ,
would be proud of my first gray hair too.

in my head

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