eunoia turned agathokakological

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252-giving up

beautiful thinking; a well mind"

"Agathokakological (adj);
Composed of both good and evil"

At first everything in your body and mind makes you fight it. Every action must be to push the evil overcoming you away, nothing else is more important. Keeping pride and virtuousness and swearing to never adapt to whats surrounded you.
After a while, your sprit fades. An indefinite amount of time before the vileness will end isn't something seemingly worth fighting for, even so, its amazing how long you've fought it anyway, so if you let go, no one can put fault in you for it.
Humans adapt, they always are changing, and you know its wrong, but after a while it becomes draining and the point of it just doesn't seem worth the fight.
Corruption issues when your guard is slowly let down, your mind embraces the change rather than keeping up a fight. you let it consume your mind as this is the new normal you suppose. Nothing seems to save you or blink an eye. The only thing you see is the evil which smiles at the spirit of fight fading, and maybe that should show you need to continue fighting, but if thats the only thing smiling, rather than the unrewardingness of standing up with your morals, you find peace in the evilnesses grin.

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