New body? What the hell?

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(Kaguya's POV)

I groaned in pain. The sealing had been agony, and despite me having disappeared from the world quickly, it actually took many hours. I slowly opened my eyes, ready to see the bars of my cage, but was shocked to see instead a roof. I slowly stood up and spotted a mirror next to me. I walked over slowly and froze. Long gone was my blue hair, now shorter and black with orange tips. My eyes were now a light pink and there was a muzzle in my mouth.

I had a pink kimono on and a black haori over it. I slowly looked around in complete and utter confusion. The room was an old traditional style, wood eith a sliding door and a futon. There was a small desk nearby with a notebook. I waddled over and opened it.

'Day one of training.

Today Urokodaki-san had me swing a sword and try a breathing pattern. I dont really understand it yet, but if that's what I need to learn to help Nezuko become a human again, then I'll do it. She looked very sad when she learned of her disability to be in the sun. I miss mother and the others, I swear on my heart that I will do everything in my power for Nezuko.'

I stared in shock at the notebook. From what I learned, this boy was not ony learning to use a blade, but he lost his family and this Nezuko was all that was left. I spotted a photo on the desk and picked it up, eyes going wide.

The girl in the picture was me. The new me. With a young boy wearing a checkered haori and hanafuda ratings. He had red eyes and red hair. The two of use seemed to be playing in the snow. I flipped the picture seeing the writing.

'Nezuko and me have a snow day!'

I hummed, feeling a bit guilty. I had taken this girl's life. I dropped the picture was my head began to throb. Hundred of memories hit me like a carriage. The girl's entire life was shown to me.

The pain and images quickly disappeared from my head and I saw the door open. An older man walked in with a red mask and a cloud yukata. He paused at seeing me.

"So after 2 years you've woken up?" I stared silently before letting out a gentle hum. I glanced out a window and sae the sun begining to set. I strode passed the man, Urokodaki if my memories were right, and out the door. No sunlight hit me and a long shodow began to obscure a part of my vision.

I turned my head and saw the boy in the picture staring at ne as tears fell. His head had a bandage on it and he was limping. I could smell the blood, and was oddly enough tempted to try it. I snapled out of my daze as he yelled.

"Nezuko! You're awake!" He tried to run to me but fell over. I narrowed my eyes. If he was to be my new brother, he was not allowed to get hurt. I ran at him and on instinct, hugged him.

Before I could pull away, he grabbed onto me and started to cry. I let him stay there before helping him back to the small house. I watxhed as the man hugged him, and smelled the salty tears as he whispered.

"You came back..." I was quicly pulled into the hug too and was immediately crushed by arms. I sighed in my head and freed myself, going back inside. I didn't feel like being social.

I went to the room I work up in and sat in front of the mirror. I reached up and slowly began to pry the muzzle out of my mouth. I stared at the long teeth in wonder. It would hurt like hell to bite my tongue. I replaced my muzzle and laid down in the futon's warm blankets. I slowly dozed off, not realizing that a day or two passed as I slept freely.

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