Meeting other Hashira- personally

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I groaned as I woke up. I glanced outside to see the sun just rising. I sighed. It had been four AM when U went to bed.

Rengoku would be heading to the master's with me. There would be a meeting. I smirked. I been waiting for this day. The day to adopt the Hashira.

I cackled slowly and got up to get ready. To my surprise Zenitsu was also up. He stared at me happily. I smiled and hugged him.

"Okaa-Chan! Good morning!" I patted his head and gave his forehead a kiss.

"Good morning my child. Sleep aell?" He nodded before seeing the small bag on my side. It was filled with papers.

"Where are you going?" I hummed.

"There's a meeting I have to go to. I'll be back later." He frowned and nodded. I rubbed his head.

"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine. This is about Rengoku today." He looked up and nodded.

"Can I do your hair before you leave?"

I nodded and he ended up putting my hair into a braided bun at the base of my head. I patted his head and kissed his cheek.

"Alright. I have to go now. Goodbye my child."

I smiled at him and left for Rengoku's room. I knocked on the door and he opened it. He was already dressed. He grinned widely.

"Okaa-San! Is it time to go?" I nodded. He hugged me and let me ride on his back the way there. I snuggled into his shoulder and played with his hair.

By the time we made it there he had several viking style braids in his hair and I was focused intently on the next one. The hashira stared and Uzui-San looked at the braids with a critical eye.

I waved at them and my eyes locked onto Tomioka's form. His back was turned so I got off of Rengoku's back and walked over. Most eyes followed me as I tugged a sleeve. When he turned, I hugged him. I heard Shinobu and Mitsuri squeal quietly.

Tomioka just patted my head with a blank face. I let go and sat down, taking out a paper to draw. I noticed Uzui-San look over my shoulder and watch me draw.

He sat down and I let him stare a comfortable silence engulfed us as I drew the master sitting with all the Hashira. I drew them all in great detail. I took out colored pencils and my drawing became almost lifelike.

I drew fireworks in the background and then gave it to Uzui-San. He looked at it while nodding.

"Flamboyant!" I smiled at him and patted his head. I saw Sanemi-San arrive with a scowl. I frowned. Why was he mad.

He spotted me and looked away quickly. I got up and walked over to him. Shinobu tried to stop me but it was too late. I was already tugging on his sleeve. Damn the tall beings.

He looked down and glared.

"What do you want?" I gave him a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You seem very angry." He glared even harsher.

"Why the hell would I tell you?!" I looked at him and simply smiled.

"Sometimes it's best to tell someone you don't know. To get things off your chest. The more you bottle your feelings up, the more the explode when they come out."

He stared before grumbling and turning his head away. He was mumbling in anger but I managed to hear him.

"Fucking Genya is going to get killed as a demon slayer." I realized the problem immediately.

"You should talk to them. Peacefully." He froze and stared in silent rage. I just gave him a soft smile. He paused before he suddenly patted me on the head softly. I looked up with a bright smile.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shinobu stare at me like I was a fucking god. I handed Sanemi a flower crown and padded away. I could smell the master behind the door waiting and sat down respectfully. The hashira glanced at me confused.

"The master is here." Istated as the twins slid the doors open. The hashira quickly fell into line, the flower crown on Sanemi's head.

I smiled softly at the master. Uzui spoke up. "Why were we all called? Did something happen? And why is she here?" I pouted. Was I not allowed?

"Goodmorning children. You're all here because of a demon that Kyojuro had run into on his mission with Nezuko and her friends."

They all glanced at us. Only Obanai, Sanemi and Dhinobu didn't look surprised.

"What demon? Rengoku looks perfectly fine." Uzui questioned.

"What do you mean? The kakushi that came to me yesterday evening said that he was severely injured. They said he lost the ability to use the breathing styles." They sucked in a sharp breath. Eyes went to Rengoku narrowed.

He spoke up. "I'm perfectly fine now! Okaa-San healed me. And by Okaa-San I mean Nezuko." Stare. I smirked.

"I shall adopt all." Uzui snorted.

"Do you even have all the paper for that?" I looked his dead in the eye and pulled out a stack of papers.

"I have enough to adopt at least twenty people." Rengoku snorted.

"Shinobu wasn't lying."

I smiled cheekily. "Nope. Now sign here." I passed him a paper and he signed quickly.

I smirked and offered the rest a paper. Shinobu and Tomioka each took one. Muichiro-San just stared until I explained. Then he grabbed one. I grinned in triumph.

Adopt them all~"

I sang quietly. The master spoke up.

"Adopt? Ah you have adoption papers ready. How many do you plan on adopting?" I looked up.

"Any and all. Yes I'm looking at you Sanemi. Take a paper. Take the damn paper." I offered them to him but he tried to push them away. I pulled out the puppy eyes and he finally relented and signed one. I cheered silently.

Within an hour I had managed to get them all to sign one. I cackled. My children. All mine. No one was allowed to hurt them anymore.

Before we left, Uzui suddenly hoisted me onto his shoulder. I yelped and stabilized myself. Shinobu glared.

"Uzui-San what are you doing?" He grinned.

"My wives want to meet her before they leave on that mission. I'll give her back later." With that he ran with me on his shoulder laughing lightly.

The wind blew threw my hair as I stopped him. I grinned at him.

"Wanna learn how to fly?" He smirked.

"Hell yes." I used my chakra to lift us into the air and he wobbled for a few moments. He quickly regained his balanced and showed me the way. We landed and he stumbled before catching himself. He smiled at me.

"That was flamboyant! Follow me and I'll lead you to the living room."

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