I don't know what to name this

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I smiled and carried Daku on my hip closely. I walked into the living room where they were all waiting. Daku got shy really fast and hid his head in my neck. I giggled as the girls got closer.

Suma covered her mouth and squealed. "He's so cute!" I nodded and nudged him.

Daku peeked his head out and slowly began to look at them. His face turned pink as he mumbled. "H-hello."

I tried to not squeal myself. That was adorable. I let Makio take hum out of my arms and the girls huddled together with him. Uzui was putting his swords on the table when I whacked his hand. He pulled it back sharply.

I gave him a look. "Put them up higher so Daku doesn't hurt himself." He grumbled but moved them. I smiled at him. I decided I was going to let the four get to know each other.

"I'm going to go back to Shinobu's. I'm sure the boys are worried." They looked up.

"Bye bye Onee-chan!" Daku yelled happily.

"Bye Okaa-San." Uzui stated. The girls waved as I walked out. I made my way back to Shinobu. The estate was getting pretty close.

I walked inside and was immediately hugged by a crying Zenitsu. I hugged him back and tilted his head.

"Why are you crying my child? Do I need to hit anyone? Anything?" He shook his head.

"How dare that damn pillar take my Okaa-San away from me! I wanted her to tuck me in!" I giggled.

"I'm sorry Zenitsu! I was just meeting his family. I'll stay with you and Inosuke until you both fall asleep." He nodded and hugged me again, dragging me with him. I didn't mind.

He took me to the recovery room and I saw the other two training hard. I winced as an extra loud crack came from Inosuke's back. He was laughing and twisting him body.

I just smiled and joined in. I showed them an easy way to get flexible. They followed my movements with difficulty but in a few weeks they would be able to do it with ease.

I did the cup thing with Kanao but didn't splash her in the face. That would be rude. I just put the cup on her head. She smiled and I left to go read. I grabbed a few books and read them until the boys came back. Tanjiro had a small container.

I raised an eyebrow but shrugged. I glanced outside and saw the sun falling. I got up and closed my book. I padded over to Inosuke and Zenitsu to tuck them in. I kissed their heads and hummed a tune. (Up above)

They fell asleep quickly and I climbed into my own bed. I wanted to sleep tonight. I woke up in the middle of the night to a crow jumping on my chest.

I sleepily wiped my eyes and got up, following the crow. "What do you need? Is there something wrong little one?" The crow jumped.

"Oyakata-sama is requesting your presence!" I blinked before nodding.

"Give me a minute to grab something." I ran back inside and grabbed the makeshift weapon bag Uzui gave to me before I left.

I strapped it to my leg out of view and followed the crow. He led me deep into the woods before we emerged into a clearing. My brows furrowed and IIJ called out to the bird who was sitting on a branch.

"I thought we were going to see Oyakata-sama?" The crow cawwed.

"Nope! I tricked you!" The bird seemed to melt into the tree. I tensed up as footsteps approached. My eyes went wide as Muzan himself dragged Kokushibo and Douma in, looking really mad.

I tensed, seeing the pain in my children's eyes. He dropped them roughly and they simply bowed down to him. I felt rage bubble up inside me as I glared. Muzan looked directly at me.

"So you're the one these two have been meeting for so long? Theh wouldn't tell me anything about you and I had to force them d ok give a minor description to find you. Kamado Nezuko."

I glared heatedly. "Get you hands off my children. NOW." He grinned.

"I don't think I will. They are MY subordinates and not your kids you lowly demon." I snapped.

"I suggest you listen or things will get a little bloody." I slipped chakra into my hand and felt my body grow. My horns became longer and my hair more wild.

The uppermoons paled. I had backtalked Muzan... and that was a death sentence. He smirked.

"Yes it will be. But none of my blood will be spilled. Only yours."

I felt my patience wear thin. Very thin.

"Is that so? Well then. I propose a challenge."


"If you take me to your fortress, I'll challenge you for the title of the Demon King." Eyes went wide. Kokushibo tried to stop me with hand motions but this time, I ignored my child.

Muzan laughed. "So be it. In one week, we will show up here and I will take you and any companions to the infinity fortress."

I nodded. Muzan vanished and Kokushibo and Douma ran over. They grabbed my shoulders.

"Are you fucking crazy?! He's going to kill you!" Kokushibo yelled brokenheartedly.

"Why did you do that? You could have just bowed and he might have forgiven you." Douma stated quietly.

I grunted. "Not happening. He hurt my children. And he shall suffer. He also killed my siblings so I'm really pissed off at him." They hesitantly pulled away, seeing they couldn't change my mind.

I walked away after giving them a hug and kiss on the head. They looked really sad, and this time you could tell Douma wasn't faking it.

"Bye Okaa-San..." he whispered. Kokushibo put his hand on his shoulder and led him away.

"Pray. Pray he sees she's strong and let's her live."

"Hai Kokushibo-dono. I will."

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