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I nodded. "Yes I am. Now may I grab my brother?" She simply smiled and flipped a coin. It landed on heads.

"Of course." I walked over to his body and placed him on my back. I spotted a kakushi carrying my box and noticed the sun starting to rise. I threw Tanjiro to the girl and snagged my box, crawling inside. I slammed the door and felt an immense pain in my hand.

I glanced at it and saw a deep burn; the sun had managed to hit my hand before I could close the door all the way. I watched it slowly heal as I was picked up by the girl with the butterfly haori. At least based on scent.

I fell asleep soon after, knowing if I ran they would find me. I woke up later when I heard Tanjiro yelling. He was in extreme distress, but qhat he was saying was lost to my ears as a thick wall was between us. I felt my box get snatched and I fell and hit my head on the side.

The new person outside didnt seem to care at all. They just swung my box, making me hit the sides over and over again. Soon enough, I could hear Tanjiro's words.

"My sister has never eaten a human and never will!"

I sighed. This wasn't going to be fun was it?

I felt my box get lifted up higher and got ready for anything.

"So you're the moron who thought that a demon could resist the taste of human flesh? You're a dumbass."

I yelped as a sword ran me through in the shoulder blade. That was unexpected.

"NEZUKO!!!" My box was dropped and it seemed there were people fighting. I was stabbed two more times before the 'master' arrived. I was in pain but I stayed silent. Soon I smelt a delicious scent. The mans blood dripped though the holes in the box as he attempted to coax me out.

I knew Tanjiro and them wouldn't notice so I dipped a finger in and tadted it. It was fucking GOOD. I licked some more before cleaning my hand and face.

Then I was roughly thrown up higher onto a platform in the shade. My box was rattled and one of the stab wound reopened. I opened the door and crawled out, annoyed. I didn't even glance at the hashira with the bleeding arm, instead choosing to glare at the man holding Tanjiro down.

I raised a finger to point at him. "Move your arm off of my brother or I'll fucking kill you." He recoiled in disgust as Tanjiro looked ready to cry. Tomioka cringed and the others stared.

"See! She threated me with death!"

"Promised not threatened. Now move your arm."


I glared heatedly. This man pissed me off. I opened up a portal and sent an ice spike at him, which he dodged, letting Tanjiro go. I instantly calmed down.

"Sorry I warned you! Don't hurt my brother or else."

They all began to complain and the snake man patched a small cut. The butterfly girl spoke up.

"You know she hasn't even glanced at Shinuzagawa and his arm. I think she only cares to protect her brother. And Tomioka too it seems." The one with yellow and red hair turned to her.

"Tomioka too? Why is that?" I winced. He was way to loud.

"She has proclaimed that Tomioka is her child and has no choice in the matter."

"Are you serious?"

"Nezuko you can't adopt every human you deem cute enough."

"Can and will. I will adopt demons too."

"Nezuko no!"

"Nezuko yes!"







"Damn it!" The hashira stared at me and Tanjiro.

"I'm not even in my twenties but I'm still too old for this shit." The one with teal in his hair said.

"What the fuck?" I turned.

"Is there a problem?" I sassed. "Tomioka is my child and he has no say in this." Said man looked done with our bullshit but I didn't care.

"Now can we leave? I'm not interested in that blood." The master nodded.

"She has proven to be different."

"They may reside at my estate master." Shinobu spoke up.

"You don't actually believe she's different do you?!" Sanemi shouted.

He lifted his blade and threw it towards my neck. I paled and jumped back, avoiding the blade. But I wasn't able to stick the landing. I tripped and was headed straight towards the sunlight. Shinobu raced to catch me as did Tomioka.

Tanjiro was pale with horror as they both missed my falling body. I flew into the sunlight. I landed on my arm and attempted to scramble into the shade before I noticed one thing.

The Hashira stared in equal shock as I sat under the sun, not burning.

I had done what not even Muzan was able to.

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