An odd sword and a dagger

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I grumbled as Tanjiro's new crow once again began to scream. It had been two weeks and yet nothing fun had happened. I was rustled from my thoughts by bell chimes. I paused. Urokodaki had no wind chimes that I knew of. I went into the main room and saw Tanjiro rush outside into the sun to greet a man with an odd mask.

The man began to talk without coming inside, ignoring Tanjiro's pleas. I rolled my eyes slightly. He was getting dirt on his pants.

Finally he came inside and sat down across from me and Urokodaki. Tanjiro claimed the seat next to me and the man began to give him a sword. I stared in clear intrest as it turned pitch black.

The man bagan to fume and scream, strangling my brother. I growled and quickly pulled him away, letting him see how pissed I was. Urokodaki calmed me down, but the man stared intensely at me.

"You're his sister right? I can see it in your face! You must try too! Maybe you'll give me red!" I was handed a box quickly as Urokodaki bagan to protest.

I opened it and found myself staring a a beautifully created dagger. It was ling enought to severely injure, yet short enough to easily hide. The handle had a dragons tail wrapped around it and where the blade met the handle, a dragons open mouth was there, holding it together.

I ignored Urokodaki in favor of picking the dagger up by the slim lining, not yet touching it.

"Well come on now! Touch it! I want to see your color!"

I gingerly grabbed the handle, letting it slide into my hand at an angle. It was obvious that I had used one, seeing as I was holding it perfectly.

I stared in awe as the blade changed to a bloody red. I was immediately hugged by the man who seemed to be crying and screaming in joy.


I rubbed my ear as I felt Urokodaki's curious stare. He had fallen silent the moment the blade began to change.

I hummed happily as I attached the sheath to my wrist, just out of view. I felt it at that second. My chakra was returning. Slowly.

The man left soon after and Tanjiro had me shrink down into a small box as he set off on his first mission. I fell asleep in the box, only to be woken up hours later as I hit the sides of the box repeatedly. I began to sense the outside, feeling an oncoming lethal blow.

I instantly kicked the door of the box wide open and hit the other demon in the head, making it twist around more than a few times. The demons began to comment on the choices of my brother's companionship so I cljmbed out of the box and slammed the door. I felt the veins on my face pop out, and now I could see it. The neck had a weaker point that the rest of the body.

"What the hell happened to her eyes?"

My eyes caught into the demon and I saw my reflection. I was using the byakugan. I quickly began to engage in battle, seeing Tanjiro do that same. He seemed to be defending two people. A female and a male.

I counted the demons and realized that there were three. And one was heading for the young girl. I punched my demon in the face and appeared in front of the other demon, hitting it away.

The other two demons and Tanjiro went uder the water of the demons after some time and I was left to deal with this one. I used the gentle fist technique to render him imobile and restrained him. Soon after, Tanjiro resurfaced with a cloth in his hands.

He questioned the last demon before it freed itself and he killed it. He handed the man the cloth, revealing a multitude of hair pins. He started to sob so I gently patred his head. When we started to leave, the man yelled at us about knowing nothing. I snapled and ripped my muzzle off.

"You only lost one person. We have lost many more." My voice was scratchy from disuse. I put the muzzle back on and watched as Tanjiro was gentle with the man. The man screamed his apologies as we vanished out of the village.

Tanjiro's crow didn't let him rest and told him to go to a place called 'Tokyo' for his next mission. I decided to get some sleep before we got there so I would be wide awake. I found myself sleeping much more these days.

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